A bitter truth is thatit was mostly replies,not messages, thatI received from you.A bitter truth is thatyou mostly called whena favor was sought,not to check up on me.A bitter truth is thatno time was freed for mewhen you were busy,but you were busy only for me.A bitter truth is thatI've loved you selflessly,keeping tabs on youfor fear of losing you.
I didn't let my heart decidefor many things in my life.When I first met you,it silently craved you,though my brain advisednever to lead with the heartand not to say 'Yes' to yourcordial request for a relationship.You craved me immenselyand tried your bestseveral times to convincethat you needed me in your life.I still refused becausemy brain took the lead,knowing the way ...
My existence in your lifemight be the most unexpectedamong everything else you ever imagined.It doesn’t have the shape you intended.It doesn’t have the taste you preferred.It doesn’t have the worth to deserve you.Hence,all the trouble,all the unanswerable questions,all the nagging,all the tantrums,must be bothering you.If it’s still there,it could be becauseyou tolerate it,or perhapsyou don’t want to be lonely.All I ...
I’m hoping against hopeto see the kind of loveI have for you in your eyes,for me one day.I’ll wait days, weeks, months,or even years to see myself in those eyes,because you’re my last.I might lose myself in the process,but all this effort is to breathe mylast breath in your palms one dayas your lover, husband, and companion.You make me happy.You ...
When people enteredyour home and room,took photos in your clothes,I began to ponder where I stand.At one point,you didn’t even like me waitingin front of your house.When I asked,“why I was treated differentlythan someone you were fine withentering your home,”you said,“they’re good friends,and the family knows themThat’s how youdegraded and distanced me anddevalued my love and worth.You simply forgotthat I ...
The choice to stay singleshould be normalised.A marriage should not bea parental concern.It should be a decision one makeswithout undergoingthe pressure of family and society.Nobody is obligedto compromisetheir happiness, freedomand mental healthfor someone else’s liberation.Because those who force one into it won't be around forever to guide towardsa happy life.
I no longer seeyour 'Good Night' message,but I notice you're onlinebriefly before going offlineeach day.It's the last timeI see you online nowadays.I don’t knowwho you're wishing‘Good Night’before bed now.I wait to see itso that I can sleep well.I wait, and I wait,seeing you online,only to realise thatyou have finallyfallen asleepwhen the green lightturns off and stays offfor many minutestowards the ...