a a a ඒ කාලේ මට මතකයි! in the government yard in marawila කොහේ කොහේ ඉඳලද ආවේ? කොහෙද අපි යන්නේ? හොයන්නේ සතුටයි, ඒත් ලැබෙන්නේ දුකමයි ..well on the way! and then, maxi ayya bring another bottele of kassippu. එතනින් ප්රශ්න සේරම ඉවරයි! No Woman ! No Cry! අපේ දවසක් එනවාමයි! අපේ දවසක්…එනවා..එනවාමයි…! a a [...] ...
Why QA? Why now? I had finished my degree course two and half years ago. All that time, with no real practical involvement in the IT industry, recently, I got a QA internship at a world renowned IT company in Sri Lanka. I consider myself to be a total alien to the industry and starting a career from scratch is ...