First day two girls came to an interview for call operator. Second day the first girl got a phone call and it was Chinese voice she heard from the other side. She said nonsense. Same day the second girl got a call and it was a Chinese voice, she said nothing but she started to think what was that, what ...
Do not look away, my eyes are watching yours.. You are beautiful as a charming rose which is blooming.. Looking at you is now become my habit.. But you always far away from me.. You are away few steps from me.. But I feel it like thousands of miles dear. Look at me and can you say one word.. A ...
Investment, the word I love, people think that investment should always be on something profitable, precisely more profitable. They do everything to make more money out of their investment. Even though investment is on profitable business there are so many instances of failures. Invest on something you love, something you have passion on it. It might not be profitable at ...
We are eager to find solutions. Finding solution for day to day problems in our work places is essential because otherwise we can loose our job. We are forced to find solutions. In day to day life we have lots of questions and we are eagerly finding answers. There are some moments where we are restless and helpless and thus ...
More powers come with more responsibilities, that’s what we heard from the movie Bat Man. Most people does not like the word responsibility because it adds some weight on them. More responsibilities, more weight. I was waiting at the lift in a private hospital and I his heard that some nurse is complaining about something, she said “why do they ...
So He came, he came unexpectedly as God promised. I was always believing God from childhood, sometimes I was away from him doing some bad things, but looking and re analyzing the past today I realized he was protecting me from bad. He always took the derailed train into the right track. He gave me a precious gift, a wonderful ...
When I was in my boarding house this thought came into my mind, Relationships. Actually I have worked in few companies and have met lot of people and of course we were good friends, working together, having meals together, sometimes beers and more fun. We have share our thoughts and ideas, we have helped each other, I can remember we ...
You are nothing like any other things to us. Nothing can be compared to you. If we talk hundred words, It’s all about you. You completed one year and it is like a moment to us. The way you smile, the way you trying to talk.. Will be the sweetest memory we have so far.. I have heard about rewards, ...
Starting this post I say that I’m not a extremist nor a racist but just showing that how a nation get destroyed or deteriorating from many to zero. Lot of people have not understood what are the problems they have, specially countries like ours, Sri Lanka a country with multiple nations and with majority of Buddhists, a country where most ...
He was like a dew, a dew drop That was the name we thought first for him He was charming as a Rose His eyes are like crystal in the water He was like a bubble We thought many names for him Still we address him in many names Because we see him different way in each day He is ...
After the Easter Sunday attacks which killed more than 300 innocent people in Sri Lanka still there are some searching operations going on, loads of swords and explosive are found inside mosques and Muslim owned properties and we have a question why they need swords, Specially why they are found inside the religious places like mosques. If it is ...
You all are in dark, you don’t know where to go because darkness is everywhere. But still you are moving, but you don’t know where to go. Sometimes you are running but you don’t know why are you running because you are in dark. Its like a alone boat in the middle of sea, no shore can be seen, no ...
It is sometimes difficult to live when everything goes wrong, well may be not everything but may be most important things. Reaction can be different from person to person, we have our unique ways to react. We are planning our lives and think that everything will happen as planned, but not always. Sometimes we have to accept what life gives, ...
I always expected that my life would go easily, like a stream, without any obstacles. But it is not always. Always I faced problems in life, I need to be in a safe place but my life put me in a place where safe zone is quite far away. When I’m doing my job, everyday I expected to do ...
I have stopped using polythene few years ago, I have said polythene bags to no when I’m shopping or when I’m buying meals from outside. I’m taking my meal packet to hand and gives back polythene bag back to the shopper. I practice it as a habit because I love my country, I love the next generation of this world, ...
We will come back.. We tasted the sweetness of the victory.. We tasted the bitterness of the defeat.. Sometimes we were on the peak.. Sometimes we were at the bottom.. They tried to eliminate us.. But they do not know our strength.. They were thinking we as fools.. They were thinking we will forget anything.. But they do not know ...
It is not a easy thing to give up everything when you have everything you need. It is not a easy thing to control your feelings when they are at peek. No one cannot heat down heated iron instantly. First thing to do is to stop the heating source, then it will automatically heat down. Like that whatever feeling at ...