As the trembling walls of the hallway cave in, the floor beneath you dances and shakes. The sounds sound different, and the outlines of people and objects dissolve, as you are trapped inside a whorl pool spinning inwards from both ends. Everything close seems as if they are out of reach, and as the past, present, and the future merge ...
Let us write 29 as 29 = x³ + y³ + z³, plug in any integers for x, y, z. One set of solutions is 29 = 3³ + 1³ + 1³. Pretty simple and intuitive, right? Similarly, how about 30? Not so much. The only known solution involves numbers of 10 digits. Now, what about 33? Well…. it took ...
Animals haven’t had direct communication in their lives. Therefore they use a natural Sonar system called “Echolocation”. It means a physical process for locating distant or invisible objects by sound waves reflected by objects to the emitter from the object. Uses of echolocation are orientation, barrier avoidance, food planning, and social interactions. Bats, whales, dolphins, a few birds like the ...
Introduction to the Muthurajawela wetlands Muthurajawela can be considered the largest coastal wetland in Sri Lanka. It spreads from the Kelani river basin to the Negombo lagoon. It forms an integrated coastal wetland system of high biodiversity and ecological significance. Muthurajawela consists of marshland, Negombo lagoon, Dutch canal, Hamilton canal and Dandugam Oya. This ecosystem is listed as one of ...
Comet BB is the largest comet nucleus ever seen. In deep space, comets are one of the oldest objects in the solar system. Comets are frozen leftovers from the formation of the solar system. They were mercilessly kicked out of the solar system by the massive outer planets. These tossed-out comets found their home in the hypothetical Oort cloud; a ...
Space mining is the idea of acquiring precious minerals and other resources such as energy sources, water, and raw materials from outer space. These materials could be used to fulfill the growing demand here on earth and outer space exploration and space colonization. Currently, space mining targets near-earth-orbiting asteroids and our moon. History of space mining During ancient times, the ...
Neuroscience is the scientifical study of the nervous system and this is a multidisciplinary science that combines many branches of science. Neuroscientists focus on the brain and its impact on body functions. Recently neuroscientists have made groundbreaking discoveries in this field. So here we are going to focus on such a major discovery. We are super impressed when NASA manages ...
He was one in a mass so big and loud His voice unheard, a murmur in the crowd A meek, little creature scared of the hordes He felt so small, at the point of million swords For fear is a foe to those not bold With a story to tell and a message to be told Their legs may tremble ...
You may not know But I look adorable Once you get to know me You think it’s affordable Everything else you saw Is unavailable at the moment When I say MEOW The whole world is fallen You mistook me For another furball And dude guess what Have some more charcoal, But who deserves it? Some might say that you would ...
Bad arguments are everywhere, be it on debates, news or on social media, there’s always faulty reasoning and dishonest methods of persuasion. Done either knowingly or not, or with whatever intent, everyone’s guilty of it to some degree. Often this is done through mistakes and misuses of logic, called “fallacies”. A fallacy is the use of faulty reasoning within an ...
What is Malaria? And what are the Symptoms? Malaria is a disease caused by five species of eukaryotic Plasmodium parasites (mainly Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax). These parasites are transmitted to humans by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquitoes. Even though malaria is less popular as a mosquito-borne disease, compared to the Dengue virus, it is one of the ...