Are you tired of waking up in the middle of the night with your air mattress deflated and your back aching? You’re not alone! A deflating air mattress can be a real nuisance, but fear not, we’re here to help you understand why it’s happening and how to prevent it. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the nitty-gritty of ...
Mobile phones are replacing traditional alarm clocks at an alarming speed. Using your mobile phone's alarm feature maybe more easy, portable and can give you more flexibility in terms of alarm tones. But are you using them the right way? Following are five common mistakes you make when waking up to your mobile phone's alarm. 1. Setting up the ...
Dolphins are mammals like humans. They communicate with each other, nurture their young, and breath air much like us. Then how about sleeping? Can Dolphins sleep like us? And why not? Dolphins and other mammals in the cetacean order have to face the challenge of living in the ocean. There is no warm, safe place to sleep in the ...
For a long time, medical science ignored the possibility of human hibernation. But evidence is mounting to suggest that we may possess a certain degree of hibernating capacity. A set of rare accidents have shed light to this otherwise unexplored area of medicine. If human hibernation is truly a possibility, then it will open up a brand new branch ...
What did you do last night before going to bed? Good sleep habits demand you to adjust your life, not just the time spent sleeping. Some of these good habits may not be compatible with a hectic schedule. So why not focus on the last 30 minutes of your day to improve your sleep. I think it is something ...
Even the words 'power napping' appear too threatening for some people. One reason for not taking regular power naps is the belief that it is too complicated and difficult to master. Nothing can be further from the truth. And here is a minimalist guide to power napping. Avoid misconceptions on power naps Even a little knowledge can improve your ...
Daytime napping is a great way to recharge your batteries. Our biological clocks take a dip in the evening, signaling our bodies to rest. But we don't often listen to these natural cues. If you are in the habit of napping during the day, but find it less productive, then you might be doing one or more of these ...
If you wake up in the morning with a sore neck, then you are not alone. Neck stiffness and neck pain are common bedside symptoms often occur as a result of bad sleep posture. This condition is medically known as 'torticollis' which literally means (torti = twisted / collis = neck) a twisted neck. Bad posture or low temperature ...
Sleep hygiene, like many good habits is difficult to master. The task is made even more difficult when you lead a busy life. So is there anything that can help you get a deep sleep, with minimum effort, that requires on training at all? It seems there some hope for us all. Taking a shower late at night might ...
The proverb 'if you lie down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas' may well be right as sleeping with your pets can do more harm than good.We adore our pets. They make great companions. Research has shown that having a pet can lower your blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels in blood and improve mental well being. But pets ...
Drowsy driving is a leading cause of death due to road traffic accidents. But the dangers of drowsy driving are ignored by many as one survey in US revealed almost half of the drivers admitting falling asleep at the wheel. Here are seven myths that needs busting, before next time you take the wheel. I can tell when I'm ...
No matter how useful alarm clocks are, some of us feel traumatized at the start of the day. Alarm clocks are a pain. But sadly they have become unwelcome guest at our bedside. If you feel like smashing your alarm clock as the first task of your brand new day, then this post is for you. Here's a rough ...
Good sleep habits are hard to master, but once they are practised regularly can give you the gift of a trouble-free sleep. Here are a few rules to improve your sleep hygiene. 1. Go to bed only when you feel drowsy When you go to bed without feeling sleepy, you tend stay up, thinking or worrying in bed. If ...
If you ever wondered why you could sleep better on a rainy day or during cold weather, a group of US sleep researches have the answer. The problem of falling asleep or insomnia is a widespread condition affecting 10 percent of the adult population. There are two main varieties of insomnia. Primary insomnia is when you have difficulty in ...
Not everyone is lucky enough to enjoy a wholesome sleep. Lack of sleep no matter how trivial can add up to your sleep debt. And the results aren't pretty. Have you paid your sleep debt? Sleep debt is the cumulative effect of not having enough sleep during a day or over a longer period. Most of us suffer from ...
For those of you who are impatient, the answer is 'yes'. The notion of sleep posture giving clues to one's character has been around for a while among Asian cultures. But what does modern science say? Not surprisingly, they all agree. You can have a glimpse of someone's personality type just by looking at the way they sleep. It ...
Sleep talking is known as Somniloquy in the medical world and it is recognized as a parasomnia; a sleep disorder. Now, if you are a sleep talker you might think that you are suffering from a sleep disorder, which can be quite shocking. But there is no reason to worry over it as research studies have proven that it ...
Sleep can improve performance Last week we highlighted some techniques to help you stay awake at work. But that doesn’t mean taking a nap at work is a bad idea. More and more companies are allowing their employees to reap the benefits of power naps. Google does it, Nike does it and even British Airways has allowed pilots to ...
The possibility of controlling your dreams might have struck you after a bad dream, which you wanted to change. Sometimes when we see a good dream, we want it to continue. Or maybe, dream manipulation was 'planted' on your mind by watching the science fiction thriller movie 'inception'. Can you learn to manipulate your dreams? The Malaysian hunter-gatherer tribe of ...
Inadequate sleep is a risk factor for obesity Low-calorie diet and exercise are the two vital ingredients used to reduce weight. Sleep on the other hand, seems like a sedentary activity which will make you fat. But nothing can be further from the truth. Researches all over the globe are piling up evidence to claim that sleep maybe the ...