Dozing off at work can be an embarrassing experience. It can also create a bad impression about you at work. A recent study on US office workers found that 30% were sleep deprived. You can think up a bizarre excuse, try the following list of 16 things you can do to avoid snoozing at office. 1. Have adequate sleep ...
The right pillow can help you have a better sleep and prevent strains and pains on your neck. You might wonder what else should you be doing besides tucking them under your head. Pillows are primarily used for comfort and to support the head, neck and upper spine. The way you use pillows will vary depending on your sleep ...
Here is a list of commonly used medications that can cause drowsiness. 1. Codeine (cough syrup) 2. Morphine 3. Diazepam (sleeping pills) 4. Lorazepam (sleeping pills) 5. Alprozolam (depression, anxiety) 6. Chlorpheniramine (antihistamine) 7. Loratidine (antihistamine) 8. Cetirizine (antihistamine) It will be difficult to list all the drugs that cause drowsiness. If you suspect that your drowsiness is due ...
Dreaming has always fascinated the human mind. Throughout history dreams have played an important role both in culture and politics. Stories about dreams as prophecies are found on all main religions. Even today, we are curious about our dreams. Is dreaming a gift from our ancestors? When you were a student you probably had dreams of studying, sitting for ...
Sleep research comes up with amazing discoveries every now and then. Caffeine nap is a brilliant idea not due to a major scientific breakthrough, but because it uses some everyday things that we know and combines it for a greater effect. Caffeine nap is a modified version of a power nap: coffee drinking followed by a short nap of ...
You know your height, or even the body mass index, but how about your sleep? Can you take a test to find out if you are sleeping well? Or more interestingly, what sleep advice works best for you and what doesn't. All these can be answered to some extent with the use of a sleep diary. Sleep diary is a ...
Shift work poses a challenge to routine sleep patterns. But some jobs will require you to work during evening and night shifts. The scale of this problem has created a wealth of information on different habits you can adopt to overcome the sleepiness. For instance, half a cup of coffee every hour is one such recommendation. But this article ...
Power naps are a form of short sleep usually lasting no more than 30 minutes. It has been proven to restore your mental agility and performance. Many interesting studies have been done on power naps and here are some of their findings. If you are yet to try power naps, this is a good time to start. Our brains ...
You are feeling tired. But a long nap isn’t a luxury you can afford with your busy workload. For many of us with hectic lives, power nap is a blessing, or you might think. But why do power naps backfire? Why some people instead of feeling refreshed after a power nap, end up feeling drowsier? If you are one ...
Read any article on sleep, and you are likely to bump into sleep-jargon like REM, non-REM, deep sleep, circadian rhythm etc. Needless to say you can’t get anywhere in sleep research without knowing the basics of sleep stages. It is the core knowledge upon which the field of sleep medicine was built on. The good news is, this isn’t rocket science. ...
We spend a lot of time in our bedrooms. But is your bedroom sleep-friendly? Your bedroom affect the quality of your sleep. American Academy of Sleep Medicine suggests that our bedrooms should resemble a cave - cool, quiet and dark. Deep down we all are still cave-men and women. Here's a quick guide to help you turn your bedroom ...
Driving at night is a tough task. Driving when you are sleepy is both difficult and dangerous. Drowsy driving is a major contributor for road traffic accidents. This includes falling asleep during daytime especially in the evening. I wrote a post on how people undervalue the risks of sleeping at the wheel in the post 7 myths of drowsy ...
Sharing your bed or bedroom with your pet has its benefits and drawbacks. The debate is still on, and both parties have many things to say. Experts on animals beheviour advice against keeping pets in bed. The risks of infection and behaviour problems among pets are significant. But there are many pet owners who enjoy the comfort of their ...