In the right setting, daytime naps be bring many benefits. But done incorrectly, daytime napping can backfire and ruin your night-time sleep. A short daytime sleep can help you relax, reduce fatigue, improve your mood and performance, improve creativity and help you get rid of daytime sleepiness. Who benefits more from daytime napping? Shift workers: Night and evening shift ...
When you having trouble falling asleep or maintaining sleep which lasts more than a month then you are having Chronic insomnia. Apart from excessive daytime sleepiness the other symptoms of chronic insomnia include fatigue, irritable mood, difficulties at work and relationship problems. All this can make your life miserable. Who are at risk of chronic insomnia? As much as ...
Rocking cradles help babies fall asleep. Hammocks help adults to get a good rest. What we instinctively knew about sleep and rocking motion is now proven with scientific evidence. In a study carried out by sleep researchers of University of Geneva, it was revealed that gentle rocking movements can boost deep sleep and improve the overall sleep quality. The ...
At the beginning of each year, we start out writing our diaries. Thrilled by our new found diary, which often is a gift, we happily make entries during the first few weeks. But soon the enthusiasm dies and keeping a diary just adds to the failed new year resolutions. Social media and online diaries have also diminished our need ...
Sleeping in zero gravity is a challenge. Far away from home, unfamiliar environment, weightlessness and shorter days all make sleeping in space a real challenge. No wonder sleeping pills are the main medication used by astronauts. How do astronauts sleep? Inner compartments of a space station are pressurized. The pressure resembles Earth's atmospheric pressure at sea level. The air ...
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common form of sleep apnea. The other two forms are central sleep apnea and complex sleep apnea. Awareness on sleep apnea is growing. But still three out of four individuals with sleep apnea remain undiagnosed. Lack of awareness among patients delays seeking treatment. Doctors often look for alternate causes than sleep apnea, ...
Nothing challenges your biological clock like a night shift. The body's internal clock is turned on it's head. And the results may leave you feeling sleepy all the time. More than half of all shift workers admit to falling asleep at work. Night shifts can become the worst enemy of your sleep. But it shouldn't be so. And here's ...
Some people fall asleep instantly! If you're one of them, then it probably isn't a cause for celebration. Falling asleep too quickly known as a short sleep latency can be a sign of sleep deprivation. The concept of 'sleep latency' was brought into light by sleep researcher William Charles Dement. He was working with his colleagues to develop a ...
Everyone has their own unique style when it comes to sleeping. Studies has shown that our sleep postures are linked to our personalities. The following are six common sleep traits. See which one you belong to. It is possible to change traits with time or to share more than one trait at a given time. Night owl Some people ...
Women often complain that their male bed partner sleeps better than them. Is there really a difference between the genders when it comes to sleeping? Whether men and women sleep differently is a matter currently debated by sleep researches. But we already know few facts that separate the sleep habits of men and women. Women need more sleep than ...
This is Part 3 in a blog post series on sleep apnea. Read Part 1 and Part 2. If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, then it helps to know what treatments are available. There is a range of treatment options starting from behaviour modifications to surgery. Lifestyle changes Some risk factors can be changed so you no longer ...
Noise pollution is a known disturber of sound sleep. But until recently, the effect of environmental factors on sleep have been ignored by research. But the studies done so far reveal that noise pollution during sleep not only wrecks your sleep, but also affects many other aspects of your health. Noise in your bedroom should never exceed 30 dB ...
Fatal familial insomnia is a rare genetic disease. It is death sentence coded in the genes of an unlucky few, that makes them suffer from chronic insomnia and eventual death. We all suffer from bouts of insomnia every now and then. But people living with fatal familial insomnia never get a chance to turn back the tide and sleep ...
"It was the last night of my three day camp. After dinner, we all went to our respective tents and fell into a deep sleep without knowing that something extraordinary has happened during the night. When we were all sleeping one of our friends had walked past the teachers tent in the middle of the night as if she ...
At the age of 84, my grandmother finds it hard to fall asleep. I tell her that it's normal physiology for her age and people sleep much less than their younger generation. But sadly, the elderly requires the same amount of sleep as young adults. It is an awful mismatch in nature. You thought you could catch up on ...
1. What is microsleep? We all have experienced drowsiness. When extreme drowsiness causes us to sleep momentarily, it is called microsleep. Microsleep can last from a faction of second upto 30 seconds. 2. What causes someone to microsleep? Sleep deprivation is a the main reason for microsleeps. It can also occur as a result of extreme fatigue, narcolepsy, idiopathic ...
When it comes to your health, too much sleep can be as bad as sleep deprivation. Oversleeping can increase the risk of many chronic diseases and eventually shorten your lifespan! It is difficult to prescribe a number of hours of sleep that suits everyone. Sleep requirements change with age, gender and the degree of sleep debt. But sleeping more ...
Forget about children! Many adults still continue to sleep with their Teddy bears. A survey done on British travellers has revealed that one third of adults go to bed with their cuddly Teddy bears. The idea for the survey was inspired when hotel staff tried to return leftover Teddies and found out that many belonged to grown ups! Here ...
In today’s fast-paced world, many of us seek solace in music, podcasts, or white noise to help us fall asleep. If you’re an AirPods user, you might be wondering whether it’s safe and comfortable to sleep with them in your ears. In this article, we’ll explore the possibilities of sleeping with AirPods, weighing the pros and cons, and providing safety ...
When it comes to finding the perfect mattress, one size doesn’t fit all. That’s where hybrid mattresses come into play, offering a unique blend of comfort and support. As someone who has personally experienced the benefits of sleeping on a hybrid mattress, I’m excited to share my insights and provide you with a comprehensive guide to help you make an ...