Pregnancy can bring more challenges to your sleep habits. Changes in your body might force you to change your sleep posture. Or the frequent visits to the bathroom and heartburn can really tax your sleep. Here are few tips to help you overcome these problems and enjoy a quality sleep during pregnancy. Learn relaxation techniques Expectations and worries can ...
So you want to better recall your dreams? Dreams are usually difficult to remember. You can try to recall what you dreamed last but often have a vague recollection. There are several theories about dreaming and most of them suggest that dreaming is a by-product of our brain's activity during REM sleep. This means we aren't naturally programmed to ...
Humans didn't always have the comfort of sleeping on a pillow. The most ancient pillows found in China and Egypt were made of wood or stone. During the middle ages, it was considered a weakness to sleep on a pillow. So can we actually benefit from sleeping without a pillow? Benefits of sleeping without a pillow People who sleep ...
Polyphasic sleep is not for everyone. But life in the new millennium demands us to seek more information, money and achieve goals on a daily basis. Desperate to find new ways to cut down total sleep time and stay awake, some people turn to polyphasic sleep. Here are 6 questions to consider before switching to polyphasic sleep 1. Is polyphasic sleep the ...
Pain of any kind can disturb your sleep. Back pain can compromise on sleep quality. The following are a few tips to help you overcome back pain and enjoy a good sleep. Look for a diagnosis Back pain is so common that you might not associate it with a disease. Certain 'danger signs' associated with your back pain require ...
We hardly think about breathing even when we are awake. The respiratory centre in the brain and respiratory muscles handle our breathing so we can get on with our lives. The same processes continue even after we fall asleep. Most people get through the night without ever worrying about their respiration. But for those who have sleep apnea, breathing ...
It is an embarrassing condition which you rather not discuss even with friends or partner. But you don't need to suffer in silence. Each night, millions of people wake up from bed drooling, and want to think it's just part of their REM sleep nightmare. Sleep relaxes the body. Your mouth isn't spared. An open jaw while sleeping on your ...
Do you find it easy to fall asleep after a workout? You might agree but the idea of exercise improving sleep may well be a myth. Exercise seems to play no part in sleep among healthy individuals . Some interesting studies have shed light into this intriguing field of exercise and sleep. The Swedish research A research involving 862 ...
Insomnia has become a global problem. But with so many variables affecting sleep, how do you find out which ones are relevant for you? Is there a way to assess your sleeping habits? Take part in the World Sleep Survey and you'll find the answers.What is the World Sleep Survey?The World Sleep Survey is an online test that collects ...
Most job interviews scrutinize academic records or other achievements. And good sleep habits are not something you highlight in your CV. Can job interviews select better employees by inquiring into their sleep habits? Here are seven good reasons why sleep habits should be discussed during a job interview. 1. Good sleep habits improve health Like eating a balanced diet, ...
1. We forget our dreams very quickly Half of our dreams are forgotten during the first few minutes after waking up. And after 10 minutes, you can't recall 90 percent of your dreams But if you are suddenly awoken during REM sleep, you are more like to remember dream content more clearly and vividly. 2. Men and women have ...
Have you ever wondered why 'sleeping beauty' was beautiful? The secret could well be her 100 years of deep sleep because of the witch's curse. We all know that our best looks aren't when we are sleepy. But has anyone got scientific proof? Or is it just a fad? How do you find out if beauty sleep is a ...
Sometimes we wish our dreams took place in real life. While most of us experiences dreaming in a manner similar to watching a movie, some people 'act out' their dreams while still fast asleep. A condition known as the REM sleep behaviour disorder, it is a disturbing sleep disorder. It poses a risk of injury to self or bed ...
Camping outdoors gives us a chance to get closer to nature. We can enjoy the wildlife up close and grasp the feeling of jungle living. But sleeping in the outdoors can become unpleasant unless you are poorly prepared. The following tips will help you snooze better outdoors and get most out of your camping experience. Maintain a positive attitude ...
Not everyone has the luxury of sleeping in a quiet bedroom. Snoring partners, nearby traffic or railroads all contribute to noise pollution. Shift work and jet-lag, force us to nap during daytime amidst noise. Apart from disturbing your sleep, noise pollution has many ill effects on your health. Earplugs are an easy solution to tackle noise pollution. But is it ...
Beating insomnia is an art you need to master. We all take sleep for granted and it's true value is realized only when it is disturbed. You might think sleeping pills would be the answer. But here are a few proven natural ways to overcome insomnia. Stop forcing it Sleep cannot be forced, especially when you're suffering from insomnia. ...
If you spend a lot of time in front of your computer before sleep, it can disturb your sleep pattern. In an ideal world, we all should 'wind-down' before going to sleep. Relaxing before sleep helps overcome insomnia. Even if falling asleep isn't a problem for you, proper relaxation, can optimize your sleep. You can get a good rest ...
Some people can travel across time zones without much trouble. But for most of us, it is something we'd love to avoid. Surveys show that even flight attendants suffer from jet lag, even with their frequent flying. Here are 9 ways to minimize jet lag. Before the flight: 1. Get a head start on adjusting to your destination You can try sleeping early ...
Listening to a boring lecture can make you doze off in broad daylight, but you have no trouble staying up late watching a thriller movie. Many things can alter your sense of 'sleepiness'. Studies have shown that some people are naturally more sleepy compared to others. They fall asleep easily at night. This is the opposite of people who ...
Daytime sleepiness can arise due to a number of causes. Depending on the severity in can affect your work, study and general quality of life. Here's a list of the most common causes of daytime sleepiness. Sleep Deprivation Fragmented sleep Obstructive sleep apnoea Idiopathic hypersomnia Restless legs syndrome Narcolepsy Circadian rhythm sleep disorders Medications that cause drowsiness Jet lag ...