You never think of your time, you spend them for me, you love the time, which you be with me, you send me love sealed with a kiss, I love it all, all I have it now. You make me smile no tears in my life, You surprise me with wonders I dream, You give me the best no one deserves it, I feel so lucky like a fantasy. I have loads of things to be proud I really can not list them out.. Feeling
It's unfair I want to cry.. Wanting a warm hug.. Thinking again.. Everyone is around but I feel I'm alone.. Why the same thing repeats Over and over again.. What is happening? I have got no clue.. I want to cry.. Leave me alone.. Sometimes I'm happy.. Because tiny things gladden my heart But when everything is far away.. I'm helpless..
It's unfair... I want to cry... Wanting a warm hug... Thinking again... Everyone is around, I feel I'm alone.. Why does it repeat? Over and over again... What is happening? I have got no clue... I want to cry.. Leave me alone... Sometimes I'm happy... Because tiny things gladden my heart, But when everything is far away... And nobody understands... I'm helpless...
It is well known that, since the beginning of time, man is unable to live in isolation. We Muslims believe, even with all the beauties in Heaven, Adam (peace be upon him) was made a wife – Hawa’ (Eve) – for the sake of companionship – and this marked the formation of the first team on earth. In Islam there ...
Yes my heading gives a bad impression at the first glance, but here I am talking about the job I am doing. I am an innate marketing person and its time to take strategic initiatives to reach my career aspirations. Currently I am in a finance position even though it has market research and analysis. Some people can call this as a fundamental mistake but I think all happened because life wanted
It's a hectic day and I am still at office waiting for my husband to pick me. Kind of bored but still have the courage to write something. I'm just seeing random things right now, yes my coffee helps me a lot to do that. Still people are around trying to figure out their work and specially how to say good bye to their office computer. Its just tiring to stay in this chair and look at the screen
Now its been five years since i left school, but still the sweet memories of amazing school life still tickles my heart with warmth feelings. When I was in school I knew, it would come to an end one day, so I enjoyed each and every moment with my wonderful friends. It was amazing. Amazing journey of a life time where we cannot go back again. I met so many people, I should say so many amazing
I could never fully thank you for all that you did, all that you do and all the lovely things you taught me and our family. I would have to spend every moment of my life hugging you in order to do that. God has truly blessed our family with you, Grandma. You are so perfect in everything that you do. You love us unconditionally and for that we are grateful too. You are one in a million and we
Brides and grooms spent more on their big wedding day last year than they have since the beginning of the economic downturn. In 2012, newlyweds (and their families) spent an average of USD 28,427 on weddings and related events the highest amount since 2008, according to an annual survey of 17,500 couples released by wedding website Couples increased spending in nearly all
Some people might think, I am crazy or may be some might disagree with my opinion, But I would like to share what I feel. Halal Certificate is a validation done by ACJU to check is there any way that the food or the product has HARAM assortments (HARAM means strictly prohibited in Islam such as Lard, alcohol or any other related byproducts) and cleanliness. YES it is true this is only for
The tech press started buzzing earlier this month with reports that Facebook planned to add VoIP (voice over IP) calling to its Messenger app for the iPhone. The new feature officially arrived, when Facebook released an update for its app. Source : CNN Money Facebook's app transmits calls using your phone's broadband connection, whatever it is 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi. Instead of sucking up your