PPD 4th Step Of Batticola 2024.12.4,5,6

NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement

PPD 4th Step Of Batticola 2024.12.4,5,6

NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement

Sri Lanka: Charting new waters for women’s participation in fisheries

NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement

Sri Lanka: Charting new waters for women’s participation in fisheries

NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement

The CSO CEDAW collective conducted the initial dialogue- 04th November, 2024 at CSR Maradana

NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement

The CSO CEDAW collective conducted the initial dialogue- 04th November, 2024 at CSR Maradana

NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement


NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement


NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement

MONLAR, NAFSO Sri Lanka and N/E coordination groups together with Media Journalists organized a People to People Dialogue on Peace and Sustainable Development with the support of Civil Peace

NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement

MONLAR, NAFSO Sri Lanka and N/E coordination groups together with Media Journalists organized a People to People Dialogue on Peace and Sustainable Development with the support of Civil Peace

NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement

Northern Province Fisheries General Council Meeting | උතුරු පළාත් ධීවර මහ සභා රැස්වීම

NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement

Northern Province Fisheries General Council Meeting | උතුරු පළාත් ධීවර මහ සභා රැස්වීම

NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement

ත්‍රීකුණාමලය මහජන සංසදය රැස්වෙයි | People's Forum at Tricomalee was held...

NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement

ත්‍රීකුණාමලය මහජන සංසදය රැස්වෙයි | People's Forum at Tricomalee was held...

NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement

NAFSO guides Kurunegala Youth |කුරුණෑගල තරුණ සමාජයට නැෆ්සෝ මගපෙන්වයි...

NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement

NAFSO guides Kurunegala Youth |කුරුණෑගල තරුණ සමාජයට නැෆ්සෝ මගපෙන්වයි...

NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement

An orientation session for NAFSO members |නැෆ්සෝ සාමාජිකයන් සඳහා නව්‍යකරණ සැසියක් ...

NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement

An orientation session for NAFSO members |නැෆ්සෝ සාමාජිකයන් සඳහා නව්‍යකරණ සැසියක් ...

NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement

Untitled Post

NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement

NAFSO youth cleaned Kudapaduwa beach |නැෆ්සෝ තරුණයන් කුඩාපාඩුව වෙරළ තීරය පිරිසිදු කරයි |கொட்டாபடுவ கடற்கரையை சுத்தம் செய்யும் NAFSO இளைஞர்கள்

NAFSO: Towards a Fisher People's Movement