Utterly disgusted of the way that our FB heroes are responding to the Wariyapola incident. Actually left me shocked. It's just recently that I realized that this is how the majority thinks. For those of who are not familiar with the incident, there is a video going around that shows a girl responding to a man who had harassed ...
Very much sleep deprived. The last few days have been eventful indeed. The Darling is back! It's actually quite amazing how seeing somebody makes you realize how much you've really missed them. Once again, a big, warm hug is only just a phone call away :) Being a bit of a loner anyway, I've appreciated the time alone. But ...
Thought I'd take some time off rambling and post two reviews that had been done on my collection of poetry "Scattered." Click the link below to find the review written by Mrs Vijita Fernando, the venerated writer who is also the current president of the English Writers Cooperative of Sri Lanka. http://www.nation.lk/edition/literature/item/11356-economically-scattered.html Then one of my dear friends, Ramindu, a ...
I think policemen in rain coats are pretty hot. Not the black ones, the khaki ones that assentuate the figure.Well, don't look at me like that. I'm just a teeny bit weird I guess. To make myself clearer, personally I'm not a huge fan of the police. Can't stand the lot in fact. But this.....is a random thing that ...
Its one of those afternoons that make you breathless by the sheer intense beauty of it. One of those hot, slightly sweaty yet nevertheless golden ones that you usually spend out in the garden, with a large mug of homemade lemonade fanning yourself against that inescapable subtle heat. The sun beams are extra golden today and the world seem to ...
Christmas came and went. Wasn't as christmassy this time so there was no real sense of exhilaration as there usually is at this time of the year. Made Christmas goodies as usual, out of habit than out of enthusiasm and shared Christmas dinner with The Darling's family. Happy family time. Grouchy as there has not been any worthwhile gigs or ...
Ah the bliss of curling up in your PJ's, listlessly sipping your morning tea, aimlessly flipping through TV channels, having absolutely no clue as to how the day is to be spent or what should be done next. That absolute wonderful feeling when your day hasn't even begun at 9.30 AM and neither are you thinking of beginning it any ...
Scene 1 Setting - Melbourne International Airport. A girl stands in front of a screen displaying flight details. Voice - Excuse me [The girl turns around. Behind her is a gentleman around 35 - 40 years in a business suit carrying a briefcase. He is smiling at her] The girl - Yes? Gentleman - I'm sorry, you must hear ...
I had the strangest dream last night. I dreamt that I was a child of the soil, smelling of wet sand, broken flower petals and sprouting kernels, embedded deep within the soil. My hair was knotted in clay and my cloths....well, I barely had any on. My parents were the earth, they took every blow that was dealt to them, ...
Brother Dearest shall be landing his stinking feet upon the Sri Lankan soil in approximately 5hrs (well, approximately) and I just can't wait!! Well, this is the first time in about a year (?) that I'm seeing his annoying, bossy face and I'm running up the walls too excited to contain myself.He's bringing me chockies n goodies!!!! :D Yeah well, ...
I normally don't share my poetry on this blog but I suppose I can make a little exception for this one. I believe that I am indeed one of the lucky ones. To be in love, to be loved back the same way, its almost unreal. This is my tribute to life, my stars and my love that I'm so ...
Just realized that its been a while since I last looked up at the sky. Was walking home yesterday evening and remembered how so very beautiful the evening sky looks. I remembered how much I used to love these evening walks. When I was a fresher at the university, coming home, escaping from those filthy claws of the inferiority ...
The three-day trip to Badulla last week deserves a post of its own. If the excitement of the train ride wasn't enough, the haunted bungalow and all the tales heard within it is a spine-tingling thriller which is a tale in itself! Well we got to ride in the engine room of the train, side by side with the ...
Been wondering what's been happening to the country lately. Grandfathers are raping their granddaughters, sons are murdering their own families, women are setting live dogs on fire not to mention the blatant atrocities of politicians who either think that the people are too stupid to notice or they no longer care whether anyone notices or not, because they are so ...
Went on a date with myself. Not that I planned it, it just turned out that way. Nevertheless, I had a good time. Turns out I am very good company. A quiet breakfast out with a book to keep me company. I sat there watching people passing by. It felt good just sitting there, not participating in the hubbub of ...
Those first few minutes of awakening...After a blissful night of sleep that gentle tap on the door sounds like death. And then my father's voice announcing that its 5.30 am. This is the time of the day for those abysmal philasophical meanderings; suddenly my head is flocked with questions regarding the meaning of life, my purpose in this world ...
Was taking a bus ride today, in the morning, still groggy from last night's sleep and quite unwillingly woken up from a bed that had somehow decided to not let me go at any cost this particular morning. However, I find bus rides refreshing. These bumpy travel sessions give you a sense of enlightenment and a wisdom regarding life that ...
Birthday. It came and it went. And I'm twenty five today. Getting up early morning only to be swept up in a gigantic hug by both the parents. That alone is enough to put a beaming smile on my face. Then the morning is spent in the temple, unraveling petal after petal of white lotuses. There were twenty five of ...
Birthday. It came and it went. And I'm twenty five today. Getting up early morning only to be swept up in a gigantic hug by both the parents. That alone is enough to put a beaming smile on my face. Then the morning is spent in the temple, unraveling petal after petal of white lotuses. There were twenty five of ...
I know most people like rainy nights so that they could curl up and sleep comfortably. I on the contrary, feel more alive when it rains and like to stay up and listen to the rain. I like the sound of the rain on the roof, I like to hear it falling down on the leaves of the tress outside. ...