Unmasking Emotions: The Complexity of Happiness and Sadness (Happiness is your sadness with a mask)

indika cartoon (ඉන්දික දිසානායක)

Man is always looking for interesting ways to mess up his life. It is human nature.

indika cartoon (ඉන්දික දිසානායක)

And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation - Kahlil Gibran

indika cartoon (ඉන්දික දිසානායක)

"Breaking Free from Attachment: How Letting Go Can Reignite Your Inner Flame"

indika cartoon (ඉන්දික දිසානායක)

"Discovering Truth: Breaking Free from Confining Systems"

indika cartoon (ඉන්දික දිසානායක)

"Medusa: The Gorgon Queen - A Tale of Beauty, Betrayal, and Divine Wrath"

indika cartoon (ඉන්දික දිසානායක)

"Capturing Forbidden Love: Painting of Tristan and Isolde"

indika cartoon (ඉන්දික දිසානායක)

The real revolution is the evolution of consciousness.

indika cartoon (ඉන්දික දිසානායක)

"The Significance of Socrates' Maxim: 'The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living'

indika cartoon (ඉන්දික දිසානායක)

“One day you will ask me which is more important? My life or yours? I will say mine and you will walk away not knowing that you are in my life.” - Khalil Gibran

indika cartoon (ඉන්දික දිසානායක)

Criminal politicians by a country's police Defending (Cartoon Review)

indika cartoon (ඉන්දික දිසානායක)