Highlights • High probability of heavy rainfall ( > 130 mm) is predicted for Sabaragamuwa, Uva provinces and fairly heavy rainfall is predicted for Central, Southern, Western provinces during 23 - 29 Nov • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 16.3 mm and hydro catchment was 22.8 mm. Extreme rainfall (> 150 mm/day) was ...
Highlights • High probability of heavy rainfall (100 - 130 mm) is predicted for Sabaragamuwa, Uva, Western provinces and fairly heavy rainfall is predicted for Southern, Central provinces during 16 - 22 Nov. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 16.7 mm and hydro catchment was 16.6 mm. Extreme rainfall (≥ 150 mm/day) was ...
Highlights • High probability of heavy rainfall (100 - 130 mm) is predicted for Sabaragamuwa, Uva, Northern provinces and fairly heavy rainfall is predicted for rest of the country during 10 - 16 November. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 17.7 mm and hydro catchment was 22.4 mm. Extreme rainfall (≥ 150 mm/day) ...
Highlights • High probability of heavy rainfall (100 - 135 mm) for the entire country during 1 - 7 November. >100 mm of Heavy rainfall is predicted during 8 - 14 November. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 10.0 mm and hydro catchment was 13.7 mm. The rainfall of last week was twice ...
Highlights • Heavy rainfall (≥ 105 mm) is predicted for the Southern, Sabaragamuwa, Western, Uva, Central, North Western provinces during 26 Oct - 1 Nov. Heavy rainfall (≥ 125 mm) is predicted for the country during 2 - 8 Nov. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 13.5 mm and hydro catchment was 15.7 ...
Highlights • Heavy rainfall (≥ 115 mm) is predicted for the Southern, Sabaragamuwa, Western, Uva, Central, Eastern, North Western provinces during 19 - 25 Oct. Fairly heavy rainfall (≥ 75 mm) is predicted for the North Central and Northern provinces during 19 - 25 Oct. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 17.1 mm ...
Highlights • Heavy rainfall (≥ 105 mm) is predicted for the Southern, Sabaragamuwa, Western, Uva, Central, Eastern, North Western, North Central provinces during 12 - 18 Oct. Fairly heavy rainfall (75 mm) is predicted for the Northern province during 12 - 18 Oct. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 14.5 mm and hydro ...
Highlights • Heavy rainfall (≥ 115 mm) is predicted for the Southern, Sabaragamuwa, Western, Uva, Central and Eastern provinces during 5 - 11 Oct. Fairly heavy rainfall (≥ 65 mm) is predicted for the North Western and North Central provinces during 5 - 11 Oct. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 17.0 mm ...
Highlights • Heavy rainfall (≥ 115 mm) is predicted for the Southern, Sabaragamuwa, Western, Uva, Central provinces and fairly heavy rainfall (85 mm) is predicted for the North Western, Eastern provinces during 26 Sep - 2 Oct. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 13.3 mm and hydro catchment areas received 5.3 mm. Highest ...
Highlights • Heavy rainfall (≥ 115 mm) is predicted for the Sabaragamuwa, Southern, Western provinces and fairly heavy rainfall (≥ 65 mm) is predicted for the Uva, Central, North Western provinces during 21 - 27 Sep. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 21.1 mm and hydro catchment areas received 6.7 mm. Highest average ...
Highlights • Heavy rainfall (≥ 115 mm) is predicted for the Sabaragamuwa, Southern, Western provinces and fairly heavy rainfall (≥ 65 mm) is predicted for the Uva, Central, North Western, Eastern provinces during 14 - 20 Sep. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 14.1 mm and hydro catchment areas received 7.6 mm. Highest ...
Highlights • Fairly heavy rainfall (≥ 65 mm) is predicted for the Sabaragamuwa, Southern, Western, Uva, Central provinces and less rainfall is predicted for the rest of the country during 7 - 13 Sep. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 7.1 mm and hydro catchment areas received 16.3 mm. Highest average rainfall of ...
Highlights • Very heavy rainfall (>135 mm) is predicted for the Southern Province: heavy rainfall (>100mm) is predicted for Sabaragamuwa, Western, Uva, Central and Eastern provinces from 31 Aug - 6 Sept. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 'light' (2.6 mm) and hydro catchment areas received 'light' (4.9 mm) showers. Overall, 33% drop ...
Highlights • Light showers (25 mm) are predicted for the Sabaragamuwa, Southern, Northern, Uva provinces during 24 - 30 Aug. Fairly heavy rainfall (≥ 55mm) is predicted for the Sabaragamuwa, Southern, Western, Uva, Central, North Western provinces during 31 Aug - 6 Sep. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 'light' (0.9 mm) and ...
Highlights • Light showers are predicted for the Sabaragamuwa, Southern, Uva, Western, Central and Northern provinces during 17 - 23 Aug. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 'light' (2.0 mm) and hydro catchment areas received 'light' (2.0 mm) showers. • From 8 - 14 Aug, up to 8 m/s of northwest-westerly winds were ...
Highlights • Light showers are predicted for the Sabaragamuwa, Southern, Uva, Western, Central, Northern, Eastern and North Central provinces during 10 - 16 Aug. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 'light' (1.0 mm) and hydro catchment areas received 'light' (1.5 mm) showers. • From 1 - 7 Aug, up to 10 m/s of ...
Highlights • Moderately rainfall (25 mm) is predicted for the Sabaragamuwa provinces and less rainfall is predicted for the rest of the country during 3 - 9 Aug. Fairly heavy rainfall (55mm) is predicted for the Southern and Sabaragamuwa provinces during 10 - 16 Aug. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 0.1 mm ...
Highlights • Moderately rainfall (35 mm) is predicted for the Southern, Sabaragamuwa provinces and less rainfall is predicted for the rest of the country during 27 Jul - 2 Aug. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 1.7 mm and hydro catchment areas received 4.5 mm. Highest average rainfall of 5.4 mm/day received in ...
Highlights • Fairly heavy rainfall (55 mm) is predicted for the Southern, Sabaragamuwa provinces and less rainfall is predicted for the rest of the country during 20 - 26 July. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 1.2 mm and hydro catchment areas received 3.4 mm. Highest average rainfall of 3.5 mm/day received in Eastern ...
Highlights • Fairly heavy rainfall (55 - 75 mm) is predicted for the Sabaragamuwa, Southern, Western, Central provinces and less rainfall is predicted for the rest of the country during 13 - 19 July. • During the last week, average daily rainfall over Sri Lanka was 2.2 mm and hydro catchment areas received 6.6 mm. Highest average rainfall of ...