Can children or adults truly escape the snares of abusers or past trauma? Is there light at the end of the tunnel for such victims?When children are abused physically and/or mentally at a very young age they will end up with invisible scares that cannot be healed. It will haunt them for life. For example, when I watched the video ...
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Menlo; color: #2fb41d} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Menlo; color: #2fb41d; min-height: 13.0px} span.s1 {font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures} A Lament Unforgotten is a compelling song by Sanjeev Niles. In this song, Sanjeev and Pabalu Wijegoonawardane have fused music from the western and eastern worlds to
Have you watched the movie Collateral Beauty? It is an awesome movie that touches your very soul. It is centered on how to find yourself all over again after a terrible tragedy. However, most importantly it reveals the Love-Death-Time existential triangle that connects every human being. Love - We long for love Time - We wish we had more time. Death - We fear death. Collateral Beauty also
Are you sad? Are they sad? How are they handling it? Did you cry when they left? Will you cry when they go? These words are like clichés that we hear now and then when someone dies, gets married and leaves home, goes overseas for higher studies, or even leaves home to start a fresh on greener pastures. How often do we stop to ponder on the words that we utter; especially, in
Always check the expiry date of medicines when you are purchasing it, because it can very well be short dated (close to the expiry date) or even spoilt. As, my baby was ill I was giving him a prescribed medication which was an oral suspension that I had bought from the LAUGFS Sunup Supermarket Pharmacy at Havelock Town, but after giving him 6 doses to my horror I figured that the
Don’t we bank our money so that we can have the peace of mind knowing that it is safe, while having the assurance that our money is growing through the interest earned? On the flip side are there not occasions when you need to withdraw a greater part of the money to spend it on some necessity? I one day awoke to the rude shock to discover that my money at Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) had
<!--[if gte mso 9]> <![endif]--> Wow, it’s been simply ages since I last blogged, four and a half years to be precise. I am happy to be back again but am not sure that I will have the time to blog so often like those days due to family commitments. My little angel consumes quite a bit of my time ...
I simply love clicking at every moment; coz each moment is special in its own way.As a result I snap away so that I can capture the moments and preserve them.Those days I was rather reluctant to snap at every turn coz it was rather a costly affair and time consuming process when it came to printing the snaps out. So I had to be selective and hope that I got a good pick.Later on came the digital
We LAUGH !!We LOVE !!We CRY !!Yes, Life is nothing short of a rollercoaster ride with its UPs and DOWNs.A strange concoction but its REALITYLife goes on without any PAUSE, REWIND, or FAST-FORWARD buttons.At some point in life we have to face the inevitable however hard it may tug at our heartstrings.The more we LOVE the harder it is to let go.As a babe I was jolted with loss; but, an angel came
There was hustle and bustle in the air while the days kept growing nearer and nearer, but she still couldn’t convince myself that it was all happening before her own eyes.“You are going to miss me when I’m gone” he said, but she replied in her normal carefree spirit “You will be back on swift wings”The penny simply refused to ...
Sometime a hundred things may be on your mind.You think to yourself tomorrow’s a new day.You go to sleep hoping that your mind will clear in the morning.BUZZ !!!! BUZZ!!!!!!! BUZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!The alarm goes, you fumble in your sleep to reach for the alarm and put it off and then roll around lazily in bed.Little by little you start to really awake.As soon as you are wide awake all the mind baggage
“My eye was hurting all day and I was feeling totally out of sorts.” he said yesterday while I sat in the garden sipping my tea after work.“May be your lenses are dirty.” I said“Here, check and see, but I remember cleaning it today” He saidWhen I looked at the spectacles I had to stifle a giggle coz I found ...
Today, I got a bit later than usual and to add to it there was a slight traffic jam probably because of the rain. So, there I was creeping in every free spot that I could possibly find to get ahead of the next vehicle and get to work on time.At one point the lane closest to the pavement was free so I decided to use it so that I could over take a real slowcoach that was driving fit for a funeral.
Last Friday some of my friends and myself went to visit buddy in Maharagama. I should admit that I am not familiar with the roads in Maharagama, so looking for the turn off to our friend’s place was quite a tedious affair. Nevertheless, after we went in circles we successfully reached our destination.On our way back I waited patiently to turn on to the main road from the Elhena Road. As soon as
No doubt nowadays mobiles phones have become a cant-live-without accessory to many of us. I myself make sure to keep my phone somewhere in the vicinity wherever I am so that I wont miss any calls or SMS. Thinking back I find it quite amusing that once upon a time I didn’t own a mobile and my life was just perfect with out it. But then again, now after getting so used to a mobile, I would find
“When you get married be very careful as to who raises your face veil. Make sure that, that person is not a widow or a divorcee or a childless lady” he rambled off to me a few days ago.“What’s the big deal?” I said.“It is very bad for the bride coz most of the time, she ends up with some ...
Thanks Santhoshi, this is good to get me back on track coz I have really missed blogging. But sorry for the delay.Hmmm…. what makes me happy… That’s a good Q, I don’t think that I have ever really stopped and pondered on this Q never stopped to ask my self. Guess there are hundreds of stuff……hmmm now let me thinkHere ...
Hi All,Here's wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year. I hope that the coming year is a peaceful one for us all.With best wishes,Angel Eyes