Pope Benedict XVI is now facing probably the worst sex scandal crisis since he took office over five years ago. Sex and church were always inseparable but media has made it worse. What has easily been swept under the carpet once is now open to all. This inevitably leads to a serious discussion on sex in robes.This post is more ...
By Gananath Obeysekera -Prof. Gananath ObeysekeraIn an article in the Sunday Island of June 2 entitled “Political Watch” there is reference to Buddhist fanatics on the streets. I have no sympathy whatsoever towards fanatic monks as well as religious fanatics of whatever brand. Nor do I want to justify the suicidal response of the monk Bohowatte Indraratana who in committing ...
An art exhibition by Prageeth Eknaligoda, the ‘abducted’ journalist, opened today at Lionel Wendt. I am no art lover than any woman in the street. Neither I am in a mood to enjoy his art. This man might possibly be dead, if I were to believe what I read. Perhaps he is kept in solitary confinement and tortured. If so, ...
This is strictly not a Taboo Subject but I will be revisiting the topics of Royal Collage, which I have called nothing but another Colombo school and my favorite “Uncle Nephew Party” (aka United National Party or UNP)Having seen my observation that vast majority of the senior war-time military officers were Anandians, a regular and long term reader reminded me ...