My colleagues and I were taken to the Cricket Club Café, Colombo yesterday for a corporate lunch. The place looked like an old house with little renovations. Place was not that attractive compared to the posh restaurants we have in other places. It had ample parking place though. The café has a good collection of cricketers’ pictures and cricketing paraphernalia. ...
Chandika Hathurusingha (I wrote this piece before Chandika Hathurusingha accepted the coaching role for the national team by Sri Lanka Cricket. I forgot to publish this for some reason but since I still think my arguments still stand, thought of publishing this as it is.) Chandika Hathurusingha batting Chandika Hathurusingha was a mediocre cricketer who had a comparatively longer stint ...
Manna Dey We are very familiar with Mohideen Baig’s version of ‘Buddham Saranam Gachhami’ song since our childhoods. This is the song most played during Wesak. This is the song played with loud speakers whenever a religious event or drama showing (Jahuta) was held in the village temple. We can remember how excited we were when we heard the van ...
Rehan School Education is a basic right of all human beings. Rehan Allahwala thinks that everyone in Pakistan has a right to educate themselves and become successful in their chosen fields. But 43% of the population in Pakistan is illiterate. Rehan thinks that this could be achieved by using simple mobile phones. He believes that inexpensive mobile phones without Internet ...
A Place in the Sun cover page Dian Gomes, the CEO of Slimline Pvt. Ltd., a leading multinational garment factory in Sri Lanka sent me a copy of “A Place in the Sun” few years back. The stories in this book are written by Slimline employees, or better say “Team Slimline.” I read a few selected stories in the book ...
Dialog eZ Cash Poster I registered with Dialog easy cash the first time I heard of it. But I did not use it till the last month as there was no necessity. Now that I have used it once I think I should share the experience with you. My niece sent me 1,500 LKR to my mobile to be given ...
Singer SINX-243AT model I have been using laptops since 2002. During all these years I have been given laptops as gifts or received them from my workplaces. But as my last job assignment was over a few weeks ago, I had to buy a laptop myself. I went to several stores and checked the prices. At last I decided to ...
Lolita (1997) poster I watched Lolita 1997 version after watching Stanley Kubrick’s black and white version of the film which was released in 1962. New version is sexier than the old version and it is in color. Lolita is younger, sexier, naughtier and more rebellious in this version. This film is more faithful to the novel than its earlier film ...
I fell in love with three Sri Lankan companies ever since I had some experience with them. This is about the second company I admire a lot and recommend for other young people to work at. (This is not a paid advertisement but I write this on my own free will.) I am listing the three companies only in chronological ...
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf According to Reuters, Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has suspended her son and 45 other government officials for failing to declare their assets to anti-corruption authorities, in her first major step to battle graft in her administration. Sri Lanka can learn a lot from this landmark decision by the Liberian President. Law should go beyond the family ties ...
A Railway Ticket in Sri Lanka Printed e-Ticket the Railway Department Issue to the commuter Does e-ticketing in Sri Lanka serve its purpose? In the first picture you see a regular paper ticket issued for train commuters by the Sri Lanka Railway Department (more commonly known as Sri Lanka Railways (SLR)), which is littler than a credit card. in the ...
The Book Hub Microimage and Etisalat has embarked on a project on digitizing the M. D. Gunasena’s bookstore and having them on the Internet for interested viewers for few months. The delay to write this blog post was that due to some problem in my laptop, I couldn’t access the Client program created by Microimage to download and read the ...
This is the third and final lost. Shell Soorya Kerosene oil Shell SAL Malted Milk Sal Malted Milk S-lon advertisement S-lon Soverign Soap Soverign SR toothpaste SR Suvendra Soap Suvendra Three Roses Three Roses Vitamilk Vitamilk Walkers Walkers Waterbury’s Compound Waterbury’s Compund
This appeared in the Sunday Times Plus Section on September 10, 2000. By this time I was the computer instructor of this project launched by LAcNet. But I quit the project to take up a new job at MAS Holdings in late 2,000. By Kesara Ratnatunga (10th September 2000) The computer screen was their window to the rest of ...
An Acer Chromebook – From Nanda Wanninayaka After chaos of an impending – but – not-too-sure – unexpected General Election, here I am back to some sensible blogging, deviating from political blogging. This time I am going to talk about some tech stuff. In fact, this was written some time back but got held up in my BLOG ...
Nanda and Meer at Basawakkulama Reservoir, Anuradhapura Day one was not that difficult as we mostly rode on flat terrain. Both Meet and I took turns while riding. Meer did not have an Indian bike license with a Sri Lankan attestation by the Department of Motor Traffic in Sri Lanka but the police never stopped the bike while he was ...