Sri Lankan Zoom Lense I kid you not this is a true story. At first even I thought this kid was crazy when he was holding his phone against the viewing lens of a pair of Binoculars. I saw this strange sight as I was spending a couple of days (yet again) in the warm embrace of the Master ...
Confused sits in front of me. Stares at me desperately and says: “It happened. We decided to part. It hurts. No it hurts terribly. One part of me screams go bring her back Fight for her But logic raises its ugly head For what it asks? So that you can have another fight? Another argument over something trivial? Because ...
I am paraphrasing the song by Band Aid to illustrate my point about Christmas time for some being not only about giving but taking. Even forcefully! And (sometimes) through intimidation. No am not talking about thugs who generally hang around with the likes of Vermin but actually more normal gentle folk who become thugs during Xmas and Sinhalese New ...
Sadly the show I am talking about is not the kind where models strut up and down on the cat walk. Rather a kind where religious persecution and harassment will raise its ugly head. If you noticed the past few weeks the incidents of harassment by the Militanat Budhist groups against other religions have reduced. I actually thought the ...
Firing someone is not easy. Even more so when it is someone close to you. Someone you cared for very much. But that is exactly what I had to do a couple of weeks ago. And even right now I am suffering from its impact. I am stung. Walking about in a daze as if someone has kicked me ...
As is my usual Friday routine my mates and I were ensconced in the dark bowels of the German Restaurant for a long lunch over one or two cold beers after a long hard week at work. Sadly beer for me was out of the question as I was suffering from a terrible sore throat. But the Brandy was ...
No this is definitely not a post about being let down at a restaurant. Though one could be excused for thinking so when reading the title. But this is one absolutely simple and clever way of getting your hands on a great value for money low carb meal conveniently. "Why did not I think of this?" was my first reaction ...
1. Budweiser beer conditions the hair 2. Pam cooking spray will dry finger nail polish 3. Cool whip will condition your hair in 15 minutes 4. Mayonnaise will KILL LICE, it will also condition your hair 5. Elmer's Glue - paint on your face, allow it to dry, peel off and see the dead skin and blackheads if any. ...
Oh sweet bacon that comes from above, You had me at hello – it was pure piggy love. You are everything I need or wanted in a meat. With your sweet taste on my tongue, I feel so darn complete. I love to watch you sizzle and pop on that grill. Your oozing fat’s delicious, your texture is a ...
I am a gym junkie. If you look at me this is not an evident fact. But that does not stop me from visiting the gym 6 days a week. More importantly it also does not stop me from experimenting with all sorts of nutrition supplements hoping that it will give me a little edge. In the hope that it ...
Yes I could not believe my eyes and ears when I heard about it myself. But it is true. All you can eat sea food at the Kingsbury Ocean for just 1800 Net. I actually thought that they would have a minute spread of sea food to select from. But I was absolutely wrong. There were prawns, crabs, calamari, a ...
Read it! Read it! Read it! Even if you have seen the movie. Because it is far deeper and actually is full of interesting facts for those of us who are seekers of a more spiritual way of life. I did and was accused of being a chick in a man’s body. But enjoyed it tremendously nevertheless. It is ...
I did not realize this was an art till quite recently. We had gone out to the jungles with a group of friends for a couple of days. There was also a lady from overseas among us. Each time there was a pause in the conversation and everyone was enjoying a quiet moment she would suggest that we all ...
When everyone around me was shifting to android based phones and i-phones I held on to my black berry tight. Regardless of what was happening around me. Regardless of the taunts from people telling me how old fashioned and how out of date I was. The i-phone was nice but I did not want to be an i-clone. None ...
Certainly not in my case. As I look back at the year that was I have mixed emotions. The one phrase to describe it would be “Pain and Pleasure”. It was a rollercoaster ride of emotions. And as I look back I can relate to the famous words of Charles Dickens when he wrote “It was the best of ...
They say never to judge a book by the cover. It is the same when it comes to bungalows of the wild life department. What you see is not what you get. This post has been in the making for nearly two decades. That is about how long I have been visiting the Kokmotai bungalow for. I don’t visit ...
I was on the road to Wilpattu with some overseas visitors. We had stopped in the heart of Puttlam town to buy some provisions. When I heard giggles in the background. It seems my visitors found the name board of a store funny. I looked at the board they were referring to and for the life of me could ...
One of the down sides of travelling in Sri Lanka is access to clean toilets. Us guys can easily do it outside behind a tree but when you are travelling with females and little kids this becomes even more important. In fact access to clean toilets is so important to me I pay nearly double the market price for Ceylinco ...
Somehow it seems ironic to use the word touching in describing this movie because lack of being able to touch is what makes “The Sessions” so unique.This movie was idling on my shelf for a couple of months because somehow the cover and story outline on the DVD did not do justice to such a strong and powerful story. The ...
One of the privileges of being a dad to me is to be able to drive your kids around. Not around the bend – which I tend to do sometimes according to them - but around town from one activity to another. Of course I disguise the fact that I enjoy this task very much as otherwise I will not ...