More conversations with confused: The parting

The Oxymoron Chronicles

They do know its christmas time...again.

The Oxymoron Chronicles

The real show begins after the CHOGM

The Oxymoron Chronicles

Uncomfortably Numb!

The Oxymoron Chronicles

A nice touch by the Bavarian

The Oxymoron Chronicles

Buth packet without the buth!

The Oxymoron Chronicles

And we consume this stuff????

The Oxymoron Chronicles

An ode to bacon - Shenoj de Alwis

The Oxymoron Chronicles

Nature’s energy drink.

The Oxymoron Chronicles

The most amazing all you can eat sea food deal in town.

The Oxymoron Chronicles

Eat Pray Love - the novel!

The Oxymoron Chronicles

The art of doing nothing!

The Oxymoron Chronicles

Black berry slave no more…

The Oxymoron Chronicles

Just another year?

The Oxymoron Chronicles

The Pros and cons of the kokmote Bungalow Wilpattu.

The Oxymoron Chronicles

A not so funny humorous perspective…

The Oxymoron Chronicles

Important Travel Tip regarding clean toilets

The Oxymoron Chronicles

A movie that touched my soul - The Sessions

The Oxymoron Chronicles

Daddy Taxi

The Oxymoron Chronicles