A trip to a hot humid night in December 2007. Myself and a Dutch lady who was married to my friend who had come down and two other friends one of who was in the army were having a deep discussion in the middle of the night. The Dutch lady was telling us how the only way to peace ...
I just got off the phone with a friend after an interesting conversation which has to be shared. What she was saying is that people think that the world is just and fair. In other words good happens to those who do good and bad to those who do bad. For instance if someone who is kind and generous ...
Did you know that you can save a lot of money if you book your hotel online direct instead of going through a travel agent? As much as 50%? I discovered this when I had to visit Bangalore recently and decided to do my own booking. Since I did not have the advice of an agent to depend on ...
Or someone who you consider a lesser being. Even if you are Enzo Ferrari because you never know what that guy would do. In this particular case he went and started manufacturing his own high performance automobile which we know of today as Lamborghini. This is a true story I heard when I was having a chat with some ...
This picture was taken in a bungalow deep inside (35kms from the main entrance) the Wilpattu national park. If you look very closely at the picture you will realize a cell phone has been kept on a chair which has been kept on top of a ledge so that it can connect to the Dialog network in order an ...
Did you know how people trap monkeys in certain countries in Asia? They keep a pot with a hole in and some peanuts inside. A monkey seeing the food inside slides his hand in and grabs hold of the peanuts. But now since his fist is clenched his hand has become too big to pull out of the pot. ...
I woke up confused... Above me I could see a canopy of trees and hear the sound of birds. A sensory experience I generally associate with the jungle. But I was in a large room. In my sleepy eyed blurriness I could make out a table with a fruit bowl on it. And I could feel the luxurious sheets ...
Maybe I better use the word furore! Because somehow it seems more apt. Remember a couple of weeks ago there was a crisis in the tea auctions? The average price of a kilo of tea went down by 10 – 20 rupees thereby depriving the country of over 100 million rupees of foreign revenue. I don’t believe the newspapers ...
Remember the old flame which I wrote about on here many moons ago? Well the good news is there is a continuation to the story. When I did not get an answer for a long time I thought my fb mail to would have been ignored. But amazingly many weeks later I got a reply. It seems that she ...
I always believe that if you can’t do something right then you should not do it at all. But sadly I seem to belong to the minority. Where ever I go these days I see these men dressed in red with some cotton wool as a beard and being an extremely bad imitation of Santa. It was really irritating ...
I am always on the lookout for a good burger joint. I mean I have had a few good burgers in my forays into the world of all things food but none of them have made me stand up on my chair and sing hosannas as to how good it is. At least till now. Finally I believe that ...
I came across this book completely by accident. It was a Sunday evening and I wanted some time to myself. So there I was sitting in the Odel book store trying to make myself inconspicuous when I spotted it lying in a corner on the lower end of a shelf virtually invisible. I am sure if I was not ...
You have to own a dog to truly appreciate how accurate these text from a dog are. I found these on the internet and HAD to post these on here so I could access them whenever I wanted to for a quick lift me up. I lift my hat up to whoever who had the creative wisdom to come up ...
By the creations of my own industry I might add. Sadly corporate obligations required me to attend the POP awards which was held at Waters Edge recently. As expected it was a long winded and an absolutely boring show. But to add insult to injury the orgaizers of the show decided to ravage every one with commercial breaks. Just like ...
In fact I did not know that love had a language or that love spoke till I heard of this theory by Dr. Gary Chapman which is outlined in his book “The 5 love languages”. It was such an illuminating theory I thought I should share it on here. The 5 love languages are: 1 1. Quality Time 2 ...
I doubt you know this. But generally I avoid church wedding ceremonies like the plague. I find it absolutely stifling and boring. If I do make the effort to go for a church wedding I make sure to time my entry so that I step in when the service is about over and the bride and groom are walking out. ...
It has been a long time since I wrote something on here. It is not that I have had nothing to write about. In fact a lot has been going on in my life. But for some strange reason I have not had the inclination to write about it on here because it has been too painful. 14 years ...
Yes I too joined the herd and decided to treat myself to a tablet. After much thought, consideration and weighing of pros and cons I settled for a Samsung Galaxy Tab with the ten inch screen. Instead of an ipad I might add. As to the reasons why I did so merits another separate post I guess. Till I got ...