Modern aircraft are engineering marvels employing the most up to date technology available to human beings (Excluding those secretive bitches at Area 51) These systems include fly-by-wire, fully powered control surfaces, digitally/electronically controlled ultra efficient engines, and advanced auto pilots which let real pilots get laid in-flight-in-the-cockpit while the plane flies to your destination. (Yes…airhostesses are dumb-sluts and it happens ...
It is worth contemplating that the atoms in our body were not forged in the furnace of the Big Bang, but were created within collapsing stars. The temperatures and pressures within dying stars triggered the nuclear reactions that cooked the simple hydrogen and helium into more complex atoms. In the final explosion, as the nuclear fusion reached its climax, these ...
Greetings darling blog reading degenerates!!!! I zee Kaiser has the most awesomelicious news for you!!! I feel our time has come, and as your glorious leader of Chaos it is my proud duty inform you that I can now be followed on this lovely internet-confusing-thingy called Twitter!!! After Much fiddling and fumbling I changed from a unhatched egg picture to ...
The other night I saw darkness. No moon to light to the ocean, no stars dotting the sky, absolute complete darkness. The sky and the sea met at the invisible horizon and merged into the black expanse of nothingness. The darkness was awe inspiring. infinite. no beginning. no end. no limits. no boundaries. It was as if the earth fell ...
Where do I even begin… Anna. Suzy. Alyona. Dion. Radhive. Amma. Nikita. Radhive. Radu. Taisa. Maneka. Nishan. Thaaththa. Ashini. Sakhitha. Volha. Anuki. Neema. Shenalee. Arzy. Rashfa. Fara. A list of the recently contacted people on Whatsapp & Viber. Friends. Family. Without who life would be utterly and completely useless. Thank you. Sri Lanka. Qatar. Georgia. Maldives. Countries I visited in ...
I knew her voice before she spoke. I could hear her whisper my name in a crowded sea of people. I saw the light in her eyes in the darkest of nights, and watched shadows fall across her face seated under those massive ancient trees you find shelter beneath during warm summer days Life has a strange way of sneaking ...
Its been more than a year since I sat down and blogged about anything. I have dozens of unfinished drafts but not one single post that I have completed. My tiny fan base occasionally confronts me as to why I haven’t written anything and my excuse is simply that “I do not have the time” which is true enough in ...
“The only constant in life is change”…Einstein said that. When you think about it, its completely true…People change, for better, for worse; Your environment is constantly morphing around you, even you are constantly undergoing metamorphosis! But more often than not we tend not to notice these changes, they play along and we accept them as normal. Friends come and go, ...
Modern aircraft are engineering marvels employing the most up to date technology available to human beings (Excluding those secretive bitches at Area 51) These systems include fly-by-wire, fully powered control surfaces, digitally/electronically controlled ultra efficient engines, and advanced auto pilots which let real pilots get laid in-flight-in-the-cockpit while the plane flies to your destination. (Yes…airhostesses are dumb-sluts and it happens ...
“The only constant in life is change”…Einstein said that. When you think about it, its completely true…People change, for better, for worse; Your environment is constantly morphing around you, even you are constantly undergoing metamorphosis! But more often than not we tend not to notice these changes, they play along and we accept them as normal. Friends come and go, ...
Do they know the truth? She asked. That the tablet of Ammisaduqa outlined the lead up of events that would lead to the beginning of the end? Had anyone bothered to try to decrypt the parts that made no sense to the modern day scholars? Nonsense about the coming of darkness and end of time! Its just a mad mans ...
She is flawed. Broken and damaged. Confusion is her middle name, self suffering her past time. Her faith in herself boarders worthless. Her confidence does not exist. her very life, in her opinion is merely the passing of days without her dying physically. on a emotional scale however her demise has begun. She hides behind a façade, one that she ...
So today went well…work, came home, went for dinner with the darling…however before heading out for dinner the girl (already 15 minutes late) claims she needs to pee and storms into my apartment. After eyeballing the soft porn lying about and mumbling about the leftover junk food she proceeds to my room. So after five more minutes of fixing her ...
A one hour boat ride from the bustling city of Male’ will take you far out enough in the ocean where there is absolutely nothing man-made for miles! No bright city lights, no traffic or irritated horning or smog. nothingness in the purest sense. It takes quite a while for the eyes to adjust to the blackness that is the ...