The war on Twitter (Obama finished the one on terror)

Greetings darling blog reading degenerates!!!! I zee Kaiser has the most awesomelicious news for you!!! I feel our time has come, and as your glorious leader of Chaos it is my proud duty inform you that I can now be followed on this lovely internet-confusing-thingy called Twitter!!!

After Much fiddling and fumbling I changed from a unhatched egg picture to one of my beautiful self! (YES that is me dammit) and posted 5 (YES…FIVE) “tweets” of course this would imply that I am now portrayed as a likkle blue birdie but you…foot soldiers of chaos know that I am indeed no likkle blue birdie but a fierce and brave ruler of Chaos!!!! *Grrrrr fear me*

Anyways I felt like changing the blog a bit so I changed the header to a picture of our glorious not-too-far-off-future and included another sexy portrait of my glorious self on the sidebar for your adoration and hourly worship!!!

That being said I; Zee Kaiser am off to figure out fwitter…so much to learn I has…#hashtags and trends and whatnot!!! Who knew ruling chaos would be SO damn hard?!? Honestly…!!! *facepalm

So…here iz zee linky-thingy to moi Kaiser Kobayashi and I hope ALL of you will join the Kaisers Army as my loyal little foot soldiers! So far I have 1 noble follower so hurry up already!!! Lotsa love and radioactive ash for everyone!!! Wheeeeeeee!!!!

~ by Kaiser Kobayashi on June 12, 2011.

6 Responses to “The war on Twitter (Obama finished the one on terror)”

  1. haha love the new look on the blog..but can’t see the sexy pic of you noh? :S aiyoo twitter is too time wait facebook is out? twitter is in is it? goodness i can’t keep up with all this..getting far too old 😦

  2. Hey!!! Happy person!!! =) love that you love the new look!!! Sexy pic of me is right below the tags men….look harder…SEE…those are trees in my eyes btw…in the post-apocalyptic-chaos we dont have that many trees…hence the ancient thing of being “starry eyed” has evolved into being tree-eyed…its like being all nostalgic and’ll understand in a few years, when the world goes to hell! Anyways I’m still all over the web…fear not…facebook, twitter, wordpress, msn, gmail, hotmail, its all still there!!! and dont say the “O” word…we’re anything BUT old ok!!! :p

  3. I will follow these…:)

  4. thee*

  5. Awwww LDeeeeeee!!!! ❤ I dont know if i should marry you or make you a general in my army!!!! *hugs*

  6. Oboma has NOT brought CHANGE, In fact ~~ THE ONLY real THING needing

    CHANGE !

    Was Barack Hussein Obama II.

    Barack Hussein Obama II ( Who hates American Values )

    Who who is A ” SELF PROCLAIMED Enemy ” ~ of responsible, Morally Conscious

    HARD WORKING Americans.

    oBOMAS supporters KNOW~ that Barack Hussein Obama II, WILL FORCE YOU to

    paY THEM, out of your PockeT ….

    This UN~CHANGABLE fraud, has done His VERY BEST to Inspire VIOLENCE.

    THESE ARE OBAMAS OWN WORDS.. saying “Bring it on” To his supporters.

    Oboma ~ Demands Saying “Get ready for hand-to-hand combat with your

    fellow Americans”

    – Obama has ALSO DECLARED to his Supporters

    “I want all Americans to get in each others faces!–

    Obama demands !

    “You bring a knife to a fight pal, we’ll bring a gun” – Obama Cant wait to get

    everybody involved in some kind OF CONFRONTATION of some sort….


    Obama has ALSO DECLARED “Republicans are our enemies”-

    ** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are

    right to be angry! I’m angry!”

    ANGER VIOLENCE and more taxes….. THIS IS OBAMAS Change for america

    /“Hit Back Twice As Hard”. He commands !


    *Obama on the private sector: ~~ “We talk to these folks…~ / so I know

    whose ass to KICK.“ OBOMA wants to KICK your ass /

    Shouting THAT Republican victory would mean ~ “hand to hand combat”

    HE IS EXPECTING people to kill & BE VIOLENT / for their immoral CAUSES

    * Obama Tells democrats: “ I’m itching for a fight.” !

    PLEASE go to reXes NEW WebsiTe ~ ! Oboma *( Just like Adolf Hitler~~ In

    that oBOMA~~~ Demands ! — [ THE FINAL SOLUTION – for Un~Wanted Children

    Barak Obama A MURDERER .~Torturing UNWANTED babys on DEATH ROE

    OBAMA supports TAKING a little NEW BORN innocent child.. / BORN. ALIVE ~

    sTabing it iN the head & SUCKs ITS BRAINS OUT.

    He also demands, that a Child SURVIVING a FAILED ABORTION, Has no RIGHT to

    Life or medical care. ({ After being tortured in pain and agony }

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