Ministers Unsavoury Remarks About Elderly Candidate The Minster of Housing made negative remarks about the elderly candidate Buddhadasa during the campaign. based on his age.The Prime Minister is definitely older than him and HE the President may be the same age.Buddhadasa does not of course try to hide his age by dying the hair. It is unsavoury to make negative ...
Is "Andaya" Synonymous with "Pottaya"? No certainly not! There are several sign boards close to blind school ,Ratmalana warning about blind children crossing.The chldren are "andayas".Those who halt the vehicle on the zebra crossing to wait for the red light to change,are "pottayas". "Andaya" is a physical disablity."Pottaya" is a matter of attitude.It is okay to be an "andaya".But it ...
Getting Physically Abused Because One is Rich The rate of Cesarean operation is regarded around 12 % in any good health system according to the World Health Organisation..If the figure is high it indicates that mothers who do not need the operation is subjected to the procedure.We maintain a figure around 12 % in State hospitals. That means the quality ...
Economising on Electricity The Minister of Power & Energy is apealing to us to econmise on electicity.It was just six weeks back we were putting up elaborate decorations which heavily consumed electricity.What were we doing ? Celebrating Sambuddhathwa Jayanthi , of course !And the theme of the celebrations? Sambuddhathwa Jaynthiyata pilwethin pela gasemu which means"Let us celebrate the event based ...
Sports Doctor Should Heal Himself In present era Sri Lanka is luckyto have sports personnel in international arena.We have to abide by international rules on substances banned to be used by sports personnel.We cannot fight and change these laws.The medical chief of Sports Ministry has a great National responsibility.He is not expected to protect people compromising National interests. In a ...
Arsenic This is an important issue.Agriculture and health authorities have to give ruling without undue delay.Is there arsenic in soil and rice?Does Sri Lankan soil inherently have arsenic.Has the arsenic that is there has come from pesticides?If the level is harmful what National measures are taken. in an article in "Lakadeepa" Professor Nalin de Silva has discovered arsenic level by ...
Jackson Anthony's Remarks In a recent function Jackson Anthony remarked that the present head of State is a descendant of King Suddodana ,Buddhas father. Jackson Anthony being a Christian should have used better discretion in making a statement about a Holy figure in somebody else's religion.If he made a comment like Hon .Minister of Justice is a descendant of Prophet ...
Did Arahath Mahinda Introduce Buddhism to Sri Lanka ? The answer is "No" ! Buddha visited Sri Lanka on three occasions.On all these occasions he must have preached something.Buddha does not preach anything except dhamma.Mahayana scriptures have records of a scripture named "Lankavatara Sutta"It is said have been preached to king Ravana at Adams Peak.Apparently there has been several king ...
Transferring of Merit(pin anumodan Kireema): Is it Possible ? The answer is "no"!.Merit is a mental formation. (sanskara) So are your self and the person to whom you are going to transfer the merit.There is no person (anattta) in Buddhism and Buddha never spoke of rebirth but only of re being ."Punabbhavo" was the Pali word.There is no merit or ...
Muthuhettigamas Query. When a group of young Buddhist monks were engaged in a anti government demonstration Nishantha Muthuhettigama was shown on the TV querying whether they got the Mahnayaka Theros permission .Why didn't he ask the question when Buddhist monks were taking part in pro government demonstrations ? ...
Ugly Womans Chastity (Katha Genige Pathiwurathawa) Mahinda Balasuriya in any case due to retire on 18th of June.His resignining.on free trade zone issue reminds me of Sinhala proverbial Katha Genige Pathiwurathawa !
Indecent Hurry:Private Sector Pension and Leadership Training During the times of poor transport and communication facilities there was a strategy in dealing with boundary disputes in blocks of land.The more resourceful person of the two people in dispute will secretly stock a large amounts of cement ,bricks and sand and have a large group of workmen ready.He will start putting ...
Victory Day Celebrating the victory day is like a school boy celebrating his success in GCE (O/L) each successive year without concentrating on GCE (A/L) he has to sit next.Rsources spent wasted man hours just cannot be justified.The whole thing is a immature activity.Independence day ,National Heroes Day and Victory in the Elam war can be celebrated together.
Meaning of Wesak Wesak is regarded as a thrice blessed day.Buddha is supposed to have been born,enlightened and passed off on Wesak full moon day of corresponding years.Is it possible? If it happened it would have been a miracle! Buddhas teaching which depends on a high level of rationality will not bank on miracles or super human powers. It is ...
Match Fixing and Whistle Blowing Hashan and Arjuna are exposing about match fixing alleged to have taken place twelve years back.Better late than never ! This phenomenon is known as whistle blowing.Whistle blowing is safe in developed countries.In the third world where might is regarded right the whistle blowers get gang banged.This could very well be the fate of Hashan ...
Darusman Report The way we are reacting to UN report does not seem to be useful.Burning effigies and collecting signatures will not have any impact internationally.We too must engage a panel of experts,consisting of people with good credentials and international reputation to present our case in writing and publish it.When we say that the report is totally inaccurate we imply ...