Ministers ,Plastic Crates and Private Sector Pensions If somebody has been even a minor employee of a large private sector organisation or in State sector they have some idea of how to set about things.Most politicians have been "nobody" before entering politics.At least they should listen to their secretaries who experienced administrators.They do not like to advise ministers because they ...
Alleged Baby Farm "Pem Nivasa" was much in news.It was raided by child protection authority.The place is run by catholic nuns. I am a Buddhist.But I have helped this establishment.I have persuaded a very rich patient of mine to help them.He is a Christian and he was very generous. What impressed me was their caring for unmarried mothers.Some of the ...
Buddhist High Priests and the Archbishop The Archbishop of Colombo made a very firm and strong statement about the baby farm scandal concerning mother Theresa's Home in Katubedda.Though Court action is pending he did not care a damn.He said he will not attend any public functions including State functions during the Christmas season unless the matter is rectified. Why is ...
Some Things Missing in Southern Expressway. In other countries expressways have three tracks,fast,slow and overtaking.We have only two.They have a "shoulder" to park in an emergency.To judge the distance they have inverted "V" shaped markings called chevrons.Vehicles are supposed to keep a distance of three chevrons between vehicles.
Non Performing Enterprises Bill and National Drug Policy How nice would it have been if same kind of enthusiasm was used in bringing non performing enterprise bill is used to bring National Drug Policy to Parliament ?National Drug Policy has waited for three decades !
We Can be Proud of our Police The police was clever enough to track down Karandeniya doctors killers,Emblipitiya killers and Matara robbers.The police is in fact clever and know their work. Police falls into disrepute only when highly inferential people interfere with them.Sometimes they drag their feet in cases where there is public attention.Some times they carry out extra judicial ...
Humanised Animals and Animalised Humans I have seen dogs and cattle using the pedestrian crossing the road.They are humanised animals.The humans becoming animalised is definitely a much prevalent phenomenon than animals getting humanised.
SAITM Position in Assault of Dr.Nonis. In a press notice SAITM refers to the assault of Dr Nonis as an "inside job".This reminds me of a hilarious yarn. A govi rala (farmer) has a drink of toddy after a hard days work.Unfortunately he gets badly inebriated and has to be taken home by his friends.He falls asleep and gets up ...
Assault on Registrar, Sri Lanka Medical Council This is not simply Dr.Nonis getting assaulted.This is an insult to the entire medical profession of Sri Lanka.With an iota of grey matter one can see who the perpetrator is.It is simply that subhumans cannot tolerate humans. Subhumans cannot figure out any other way of communication other than physical. The Registrar ,Medical Council ...
Killing the Doctors I observe this phenomenon with much concern being a doctor in the end of the career.Three doctors were murdered during last one or two years. One was at Bandagiriya,thelady doctor.The other one was in Eastern province during the final stages of the ethnic crisis.The latest was at Karandeniya. The common features of all these murders were * ...
Piliyandala Medical College: A De Jauv Feeling It surfaced about 10 years back.It was initiated by a doctor.An aging ex professorwas hired.Students were enrolled before recognition by SLMC. The management went out of the way to enroll children of powerful people. One was an ex health junior minsters daughter. They went out of the way to recruit doctors children. Medical ...
Criticising the GMOA to Cover up Malabe Medical College Issue "If you engage in private practice you should not be against private medical colleges" is what supporters of Malabe medical college tell the GMOA or persuade other people to tell.GMOA is coming out with quite valid criticism on Malabe medical college.In brief they say that it is analogous to Sakviti ...
Private Medical School at Malabe I do not see any thing wrong in starting private medical schools as long as they can maintain the standard of medical education.But the Malabe medical college which has become a national issue provokes some queries. ...
Ranil Bashing for Referring to Prostitutes The opposition leader is being dealt within an unfair manner for referring to prostitutes.I am not a fan of any politician.But even Buddha made comments like this.He referred to people performing stunts with mental power and said what they are doing is like prostitutes taking off clothes for money! He also mentioned that when ...
Was Mahamaya Prince Siddahrthas Mother ? Mahamaya is a strange name! Mahamaya means the great illusion .In Buddhist teaching it is vinnana.Mahamaya is supposed to have died seven days after the delivery.The explanation given by Buddhist monks is that Buddhas should not have siblings! (Why ?) Prince Siddhartha on attaining Buddhahood acquired maha pragna (great wisdom). Great wisdom and great ...
Diagnosis of Death Once when I was driving along Galle Road, there was somebody laid down on the roadside with blood stains.Police was present. I pulled on to the roadside asked an onlooker as to what was happening.The person lying down was apparently has been knocked down by a vehicle and was supposed to be dead. I asked as to ...
Cement. Ministry of trade has imported a stock of cement as there is shortage in the Island.The bags have an "SLS" label.The SLS Bureau says that it never issued the SLS certificate to the stock of cement and that the cement is inferior in quality.The Ministry of trade insists that the cement is of good quality. 1. There seems to ...
National Drug Policy The National Drug Policy was first drafted in mid seventies.So far it has not become the Law.Patients Right Movement has gone to courts.The Supreme Court has ordered the Hon.Minister of Health to present it in Parliament within two months. In the hedging deal the supreme court order was not implemented.Same thing may happen with the National Drug ...
Fast Track is Slow ! In a two lane road right hand side track is the fast track the left hand side is the slow track.In Sri Lanka people overtake from the left side.Some times the left hand side track becomes really fast and the right hand side track becomes virtually standstill.Okkoma kanapita! This is because our drivers have no ...
State Bank and Private Bank I maintain a current account in Bank of Ceylon since 1972.I have never obtained a loan or an overdraft.I have never had a cheque returned for lack of funds.I maintain a steady balance of two million rupees.My wife has another two million rupees as fixed deposits in the same bank. I have a credit card ...