meeting (reading) pilosoper (philosopher) of our times today...

Oooru Miyaa

Curious case of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370-who White-vanned it?

Oooru Miyaa

Kenya Mall attack-a pictorial analysis

Oooru Miyaa

One Billion Rising..In Colombo..Lipton Circus..

Oooru Miyaa

Panties and Suspenders Down..Its Today (And I'm Back Too..)

Oooru Miyaa

Sandy hits New York and I'm living with Nilam...

Oooru Miyaa

The King Who Rolled Me A Joint.

Oooru Miyaa

phone numbers change,bills go unpaid but tweeting continues..

Oooru Miyaa

Ooorumiyaa returns..dial M for Miyaa..the new DM4M thingy..,.

Oooru Miyaa

email from UK PM

Oooru Miyaa

Ice Cream...

Oooru Miyaa

Recalling the UN Resident Representative- the Real Story

Oooru Miyaa

Vesak Day protest..

Oooru Miyaa

Our Old Suddha Boss Lose Job, Calls for Elections..Dr. Myrvyn to lead the GoSL Independent Elections Observer group in UK Elections

Oooru Miyaa

Time to boycott International Women's Day & think about Local Women..

Oooru Miyaa

Sri Lankan Kala facts emerge..

Oooru Miyaa

what we need urgently to re-align focus from elections and SF antics..

Oooru Miyaa