MSG(Mono Sodium Glutamate) is a very commonly used food additive in Sri Lanka as well as around the whole world. Many food items including Burgers, Sauces, commercially produced soup peparations, soup cubes, instant noodles contain added MSG. Adding MSG(in the form of "Ajinomoto"- which means "making food tastier" in Japanese) and stock powder is becoming a routine practice among urban ...
Nutrition Department , of Medical Research Institute, Colombo in collaboration with UNICEF, launched "The Nutrition Bulletin of Sri Lanka".By this quarterly publication we will be providing information about principle nutrition indicators, facts, new knowledge and events to all. The target audience will be medical professionals, policy makers , undergraduate and post-graduate students and anyone who is interested on nutrition ...
“Tea is the most common consumeddrink in the world after water with a per capita worldwide consumption of around0.12 litre per year”Black, oolong, green and white tea are all an agricultural product from the leaves of Camellia sinesis. The differences in colour and taste are related to processing methods. Tea has been consumed over centuries around the world and has ...
Until recently, manioc (cassava) has been in the lime light as a food with anti-cancerous properties due to the availability of ‘vitamin B17’.We inquired about this from the World Health Organisation (WHO) headquarters, Geneva. The WHO Joint Secretary to JECFA and JMPR replied that the Joint FAO/WHO expert committee on Food Additives (JECFA) had recently assessed the toxic nature of ...
As you know,Fat and lipids are composed of two major types of Fatty acids: saturated and unsaturated fatty acid. Trans fatty acids (TFA) is a part of unsaturated fatty acid group. TFA is a major health risk and has been known to cause heart attacks, increase LDL ,decrease HDL cholesterol (see our article on PUFA) and has carcinogenic effects too.Generally, ...
World Osteoporosis day is due on 20th of October, this fact sheet is meant to commemorate this event, Osteoporosis means loss of bone materials and weakening of its structure causing fractures. The disease is commonly seen in older women and men. In addition to fractures, osteoporosis leads to bending of spine resulting backache, gradual shortening of standing height and ...
Preparation of ARF in the MRI laboratoryDuring complementary feeding (after 6 months of age), traditionally; the first food introduced to a child is porridge. This is usually prepared from a cereal or cereal flour such as mung, cowpea or ulundu. These porridges tend to have a high viscosity and a low energy content, which ...
From 1940’s onwards goiter had been identified as a common problem in Sri Lanka. There was a goiter belt across Western, Sabaragamuva, Central, Southern and Uva provinces. During this period Goiter prevalence was 40% and different actions had been taken to reduce the goiter occurrence. In spite of these actions, in 1986 goiter prevalence was at a higher level ...
please refer the 1st part of this article first Micronutrient (vitamin and mineral) Deficiencies Sri Lanka has three major micronutrient deficiencies that have been identified as public health problems, namely, iron, Vitamin A and iodine. The prevalence of anaemia among children under five years, primary schoolchildren, adolescents, adult females and pregnant women are 29.9%, 20
Drumsticks are popular among Sri Lankans because of the pods those we are using as a delicious vegetable. But the unknown fact about the Drumsticks is that nutritious value of their leaves. Though these leaves are added to enhance the taste of ...