Facebook: Friend or Foe?Let's face it. We've all known Facebook is in the business of profiling us. Then sharing it and making money off of it.I had consoled myself, saying it depended on what I would share with it. How can they possibly profile me if I don't give them accurate information? I'm smarter than them. Right? Well, No. I ...
The idea of 'daana' and altruism, I wonder if these two acts are really the same.Daana, or alms giving, within the context of which I speak is based off of the idea the more you give, the more you get. The act of doing something that can accumulate good karma, with the hope this life and the next can be ...
This is how she feels like, most of the time. Because she knew, that was what she had become, and was; on the inside.Yes, of course the makeup was all for show. Just to distract the observer from the sad eyes that stared back, if you looked too closely and held her gaze, too long. There was the ugly side ...
Lately I've picked up this annoying habit of reading a couple of books simultaneously. By the looks of it, seems like I won't be finishing any of them any time soon. All these stories stuck in my head are starting to bug me.The danger of beginning to read a book is that you immediately start investing emotionally in characters, plot ...
Hip hop makes me think of the good times, my head bobbing up and down, you 'pimping the base' or whatever it was you called it. Happy and free, not a care for what lay at the end of the long, open road. Whoever thought I would like your music. Haha. In small doses of course. But it made me ...
Holding it together when it was perfectly understandable to fall apart. Well, she knew what that was like. She had, over the years, reached a point in her life where holding it together was something she had acquired the skill of executing, to perfection. Well, almost.Right now, she felt nothing like she looked like. Inside, her heart was flustered. Fistful. ...
I'm reading all the wonderful things people have to say about Robbin Williams. He sounds like he was a very good man. I wonder. It reminds me of a book I read a while ago. The sense of an ending. There was a very good note left by a character that chose to end his own life. The book dealt ...
She had watched her cry once. She remembers her heart aching, wanting to make the pain go away. Tell her that it didn't matter. This thing that was making her sob and was soon, going to change how she would see the world.Why, they had been friends forever. And these moments, would be forgotten. They would all move on.They had ...
From The E-Book Shelf Factoring Humanity - Robert J. SawyerA Hugo Award nominee for Best Novel, Factoring Humanity is a science fiction story set inCanada, a couple of years in to the future. This story deals with cool quantum physics theorieslike parallel universes, artificial intelligence and alien messages. But don’t worry; the scienceis just about enough for anyone to be ...
Even if the truth hurts, I would much rather have honesty thrown at me than a deceptive veil of a trail of white lies. White lies, they may be. But they hurt, and aren't really much different from any other lie. It only adds salt to the already sour wound and makes the pain agonizingly worse, an infinite times worse ...
How many times have we heard the familiar complaint Sri Lankan Police are corrupt? The law is not equal to all? And when implementing laws in Sri Lanka, whether you are actually punished largely depends on who you know, rather than the law you broke.It is far easier to point fingers at other people. I will confess, I have paid ...
Hello Folks!Looks like it's election season again. I've been scanning Kottu for updates on the common opposition candidate and just needed to chatter away to space that is the internet. I feel like it is important to express my sentiments - to try and figure out how exactly I feel about the whole thing myself.Up until now, elections on Jan ...
'Perhaps the ultimate sacrifice is not death, but life,' she thought as she crossed the bridge and walked across the moonlit sky.Having stared for hours, at the glistening water and a full lit sky, she could only remember bits and pieces. Muddles memories of how life had been. How happy she had been. True, there had been moments of imperfections. ...