Here I am going to call web services in http://localhost:9765/services/BAMToolboxDepolyerService?wsdl from jaggery (javascripte code). This sample testing web servies runnning in WSO2 BAM. Thinks that i have know about the services before I am calling that from jaggery. My end point URL http://localhost:9765/services/BAMToolboxDepolyerService Action name to invoke "getBasicToolBoxes" And it is pay load. (This sample there is no pay load) ...
As Carbon platform made of a front-end and a back-end. Backend contain SOAP Web services interface. But can I can access this in RESTful mode or Front end Java scripte? There is not much clear API for this. If any person need such API how can we make it. Here I will be using jaggery server to demonstrate this scenario. ...
If you need any module or (jaggery code) to reuse in jaggery. we can add module in to jaggery easily I will be explain how to do it. we can reuse that module from jaggery applications in that particular jaggery server. I need add some custom new (Created by your self) JavaScript API that is mainly for your applications. Module ...
Today I was working on rest web services and I was need some custom routes definition. my project is rails project http://localhost:3000/message/givesentmessage?to=aaa
Here is Storage interface and below I am doing this particle in browser console interface Storage { readonly attribute unsigned long length; DOMString key(in unsigned long index); getter any getItem(in DOMString key); setter creator void setItem(in DOMString key, in any value); deleter void removeItem(in DOMString key); void clear();}; Each Storage object is associated with a list of key/value pairs when ...
HTML5 localStorage is a client-side key-value database, meaning it is stored in the users browser. This means the users data is saved on their machine inside their browser. This also means that their data is only available to them when on that machine and in that browser. Remember that localStorage is per browser not per computer. let try it out. ...
Here I am using wso2esb-4.0.3 : 1. Start the WSO2 ESB from bin/wso2server.bat and login in to it. 2. In right hand side navigation we can find the Topics –> Add 3. Enter “News” as name of the Topic. Then click on “Add Topic” [Tick for Subscribe and Publish for role of everyone in Permission.] 4. Then “Topic Browser” ...
WSO2 Complex Event Processor (CEP) is Solution if you looking for extremely high performing and massively scalable systems. If need more data or information to read go to references[1] Here I am going to try WSO2 CEP out faster and see what it can do. Dowload wso2 CEP from here First Try a simple sample that is shipped with ...
Gaussian function is a function of the below form a, b, c and d are arbitrary real constants. The graph of a Gaussian is a characteristic symmetric "bell curve" shape that quickly falls off. The parameters a is the height of the curve's peak b is the position of the center of the peak c (the standard deviation, sometimes called ...
Download Apache Shindig from Here (war), Or you can build it from trunk, I will write on it later post. System Requirements Java version: JDK 1.5 or above As in topic we need Apache Tomcat to do this tutorial.If you do not have tomcat, Download it from here (32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer), just install it just by clicking the downloaded ...
Introduction VJET JavaScript IDE aims to provide the best and most productive JavaScript functional and multiple-library development tools for JavaScript developers for the Eclipse platform. In different JavaScript libraries, the typing concepts are manifested through classes(category), mix-ins, modules, interfaces, code assist, validation and searching for these types.VJET is currently an open source project on and the project plans on ...
This post will illustrate the setups to be follow to added jaggery test for jaggery application. From ‘sugarcane’[1] we can test jaggery modules, jaggery app modules (.js), and .js and .jag files. ‘Sugarcane’ is solution for jaggery unit testing[2]. Here is setup to added sugarcane to you jaggery. 1. Add ‘sugarcane’ modules[1] to jaggery level. (Or p2[1] feature) 2. Go ...
This post will be like re bushing some ideas and things, 2 years ago I have read on "23 Design Patterns mentioned by the GoF". In there I was mainly concern with java and C#. But now I will looking to those with JavaScript perspective since design pattern is independent for programming languages. A design pattern is reusable software solution ...
Checking max number of MySQL Connection show variables like 'max_connections'; Let increase the size of connection count 250 SET global max_connections = 250; Max size of increment size is up to 100,000
Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN)[1] is a density-based clustering algorithm. It gives a set of points in some space, it groups together points that are closely packed together (points with many nearby neighbors), marking as outliers points that lie alone in low-density regions. In 2014, the algorithm was awarded the test of time award at the leading ...
Estimation theory is a branch of statistics that deals with estimating the values of parameters based on measured/empirical data that has a random component. An estimator attempts to approximate the unknown parameters using the measurements. we can see 'estimation theory' in used in real world in radar for estimating the transit time and predicating tool such as voting in election. ...
To express the statements we can used the print statement or the write() method of file. Now we will read from file and write that content to file. Reading File 1 fd = open("D:/Research/python/test.log", "r+") 2 print print fdOut put Write to file1 fd = open("D:/Research/python/test.txt", "w+") 2 fd.write("This is a test file.\n")3 fd.close()fd.readline() reads a single line from ...
Regular expressions are a powerful language for matching text patterns. This post will explain regular expressions by Python. The Python "re" module provides regular expression support. match =, string) If the search is successful, search() returns a match object or None otherwise. 1 import re2 3 string1 = 'Regular expressions are a powerful language for matching text patterns'4 match ...
Immediately calling an anonymous function with a specific parameter. Here I will explain some simple JavaScript method for calling anonymous function with a specific parameter in immediately. (function(){}); Here is sample (function (name) { console.log(name);})('jhon') This log name 'jhon'. In jQuery we can this concept a easily. create anonymous function (function without name that can be "nested" inside other function) ...
I came across those two test development Behaviour-Driven Development and Test-Driven Development while I was developing framework. Mainly we can looking to those from two perspectives Language and scope Firstly look for language. In here you need to think who will be using you frame work (means who will write test, who we run to get the results) TDD assertEuqals(count,5) ...