Posting is mainly for new WSO2 ESB Users and it is for basic users. Here I am using wso2esb 4.0.6. and here the location for download WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus Start WSO2 ESB from wso2esb-4.6.0\bin\wso2server.bat or 1. Browse for https://localhsot:9443/carbon/ 2. Login with admin and admin to ESB 3. In the Management Console, Go to Configure -> Features. 4. ...
HTML5, core technology of the Internet, provides mobile device users richer web applications and improved usability with providing common in smartphone-optimized mobile web applications. HTML5 adds many new syntactical features. Ian Hickson of Google is the editor of HTML5. Before making coding in application. We need look around more. I have done HTML5 web application for email system with offline ...
Currently wso2 User Engagement Server (UES) is in ALPHA stage and it can contain jaggery APPs (javascritp applications) or webapps with gadgets. There you will need to have Single sign-on (SSO) for you applications. Currently UES have 2 application called portal and store. Single sign-on (SSO) is a property of access control of multiple related, but independent software systems. With ...
This Post explains Topics in Active MQ (Message Broker) with Subscribing and Publishing.For this we will write two java clients.As we did for wso2 Message Broker to Subcribe for to to Publish the messagesLet's Start. [1] Get Active MQ from[1.1] Start Active MQ from \bin\activemq.batYou can see the started server form http://localhost:8161/admin/[2] Create Porject "Client" on IDE ...
Today java script is getting more popular these days. So lot of people are preferred to develop web app from lot JavaScript. Think it more light weight than other languages. But I also come across writing/developing app from js is not much easy for a person who come across from Java/C#. Even I also come from JAVA and c#. When ...
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an application protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over an Internet Protocol (IP) network. In the early engineering stages of LDAP, it was known as Lightweight Directory Browsing Protocol, or LDBP. Protocol By TCP connecting to an LDAP server client starts an LDAP session , called a Directory System Agent ...
I just need know new things so I join a team called Build. To do some release for my company. So I just got email like this with some file and command “ssh -p2233 -i /home/jhona/Downloads/Mykey/id1_rsa” We know this to used in Ubuntu. But How to do this windows. That is why we need PuTTY What is PuTTY? PuTTY ...
Life consist of choices. Just now, I can watch move or call friend or write blog post. Recently I did not write one but I used to write three or five post per month. I missed it because I was developing something called 'API store' and 'API Provider' sites with wso2. It is interest topic by the way. I enjoyed ...
I will be using Apache2.2.11 create virtual hosts. on my previous post i have explain how to create Apache mod_proxy for windows. It also be help ful in here. [1] Create a subfolder inside C:\vhosts for each virtual host that you want to add to your Apache server. [2] go to the C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\ and open 'hosts' in Notepad or a ...
I just came across nice command in wso2 carbon. That nice Command is valid for wso2 carbon or wso2 products. Form this command we can list down all web servics calls that wso2 product or instance have. We can give this command in osgi console in WSO2 carbon. Let is try that now. [1] Start wso2 product or carbon In ...
This Post explains a tutorial for WSO2 Message Broker under Topics with Subscribing and Publishing.For this we will write to java to Subcribe for to to Publish the messagesLet is work start[1] Get WSO2 MB from[2] Create Porject "Client"[3] Add below to lib Dir in the projectandes-client-0.13.wso2v4.jargeronimo-jms_1.1_spec-1.1.0.wso2v1.jarlog4j-1.2.17.jarorg.wso2.carbon.event.client-4.0.0.jarorg.wso2.carbon.eve
Introduction It is open source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene. Its major features include text search hit highlighting faceted search near real-time indexing dynamic clustering database integration rich document (e.g., Word, PDF) handling geospatial search Solr runs as a standalone full-text search server within a servlet container. Solr uses the Lucene Java search library at its core for ...
C:\Apache\axis2-1.6.1\bin>wsdl2java -uri F:\test\src\main\resources\META-INF\Test2.0_v1.0.wsdl eg: <axis2_dir>\bin>wsdl2java –uri <wsdl dir>/<wsdl file> go to F:\test\target\generated-sources run ant in the directory build aar in F:\test\target\generated-sources\build\lib past it to C:\Apache\axis2-1.6.1\repository\services check the services http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/Test2.0_v1.0?wsdl Getting test XSDs added below to URL “Test2.0_v1.0?xsd=Test2.0_v1.0.xsd” e
In here I am explaining how to debug integration test in carbon product. So I am going to debug wso2 carbon product called “jaggery”. 1. Go to integration test directory in carbon product eg: C:\WSO2\WSO2Trunk\platform\trunk\products\jaggery\server\integration 2. In that directory entry ‘mvn eclipse:eclipse’ [Here I am using eclipseas debug IDE] 3. Import this project in to eclipse 4. Pick the java ...
What is DLTK? Dynamic Languages Toolkit (DLTK) is a tool for vendors, researchers, plug-in or tool writters and end-users who rely on dynamic languages. DLTK is comprised of a set of extensible frameworks designed to reduce the complexity of building full featured development environments for dynamic languages such as PHP, JavaScript and Perl. Dynamic Languages Toolkit 2.0 requires Eclipse Platform ...
This post will explain Apache Directory Studio features for LDAP. (Download it from here) Apache Directory Studio is Eclipse based LDAP browser and directory client. My last post briefs about the LDAP. Here we will create a LDAP structure for Company called 'myCompany' that has 3 department with list of users. Here is LDAP structure of 'myCompany' MyCompany | ...
Here I am using WSO2-IS-4.0.0 and Apache Directory Studio to browse it. (my last post explain Apache Directory Studio features) [1] Start wso2 IS from wso2is-4.0.0\bin>wso2server.bat [2] Open Apache Directory Studio [3] Go to the connection click on add connections [4] give name, port (10389) and host as below [5] Then for the next post you will get a fill ...
A framework defines the organization's way of doing things. A test framework is a set of assumptions, concepts and tools that provide support for software/application testing. Such framework will allow easy to maintenance in software development. It is support project management with continuous delivery. This post will explain basic things that are to be in test framework, different scopes for ...
1. Download WSO2 User Engagement Server (UES) 2. Unzip it and start UES from wso2server.bat\.sh in "\wso2ues-1.0.0\bin" 3. After server is started, you can browser to http://localhost:9763/portal 4. Then click "Sign In" and then you will get registration from then fill it, 5. Then you will be logged in to “portal/dashboard.jag”6. Then go to “Create—>Dashboard”7. Pick the layout that ...
Introduction for Registry Keys The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that stores configuration settings and options on Microsoft Windows operating systems. It contains settings for low-level operating system components as well as the applications running on the platform. The kernel, device drivers, services, SAM, user interface and third party applications all make use of the registry. The registry also ...