I rarely watch terrestrial television channels because to me their programmes are lacking in quality. I get my news from the internet – mainly from web and emails. I watch American TV shows and watch pirated copies of Hollywood movies. But lately I have started to watch Sirasa TV news and Swarnawahini news. The reason is, they are not news ...
The enmity between Ranil and Maharajah has risen to new heights. Yesterday they bashed Ranil for saying a rather profane yet widely used Sinhala word “vesa” while attacking Maharaja. According to Ranil, Maharaja wants “…power without responsibility, the privileges of the harlots throughout the ages.” Maharaja thinks that this is so important to people that he asks for public opinion. ...
As previously discussed in a simple claustrophobic format, the cornucopia of bigotry in the meta narrative of the fundamental structure of his administration has caused a mellifluous voice of insanity to take hold of Mahinda’s mind. If we go by Lacan, we can safely deduce that the square root of minus one in this case has fornicated with the penile ...