If I could find that old man who first ruined the life of this tiny mewling new born baby girl, I would, I would ....oh you dont want to know. But I like to think about what I would do to him.Vanga 404 BC. They say I was a beautiful baby, all pink and white and brown, with perfect little ...
On arriving at Francesca’s place I looked around; I knew from the internal source (Francesca’s memory of course) that they were an anti social slightly abnormal family who tried to mind their own business and not step out into the traumatic streets of Colombo if they could help it. But they generally carried out their ...
yes, well, Himi parnum had set up his outlet next to a Hindu Kovil, those lovely smelling, cool, places of worship with the deep bells ringing and the gorgeous multicolored HIndu God Statues. Lots of local women came here to "make barey"s . A barey is a sort of bargain, although the technical translation reads vow.. they ...
kind of touching ...ah sri lankan women..not to mention the state of our journalism... http://www.hri.ca/itp2003/dignity/2002rep3.htm "Pathetic and painful story of a young female graduate illustrating the position of the women in the Society. 'The parents of a 28 years old graduate girl replied to a marriage proposal which appeared in a Sunday paper (Silumina). The prospective groom ...
ok this is a true story, and the best is how Sulakshi told it to me, shes totally cute like a little imp and for a traditional eastern mom shes quite a little spit fire if there ever was. so shes been curious about the local holy man, one of those chubby charming robed dudes, who runs his own hoodoo ...
So I will not tell you how I arranged it but it was me who influenced things so that Fransesca was given the Mahendran interviews. Have you heard how history repeats itself .It does, and those are our habits in Samsara.Mahendran was one of the senpathi in 2500 BC, who had tried to find ...
and I saw them out of the corner of my eyes though I did not know what to think of them.They seemed to be everywhere today and they were looking at me silently.what was I supposed to do, but slam the doors and go inside?
Time stood still, three centuries away in silent jungle glade in Northern Xhindavia and a gutted white war horse thrashed in dying agony and the Princess Sufra gasped for breath and turned to look into the eyes of her killer. Here
it was a weird Saturday. It started being weird when I passed the dustbins at the top of my road, swinging some old bread and chicken hodi at the couple of stray dogs which habitually sat starving there. I was more than ten feet away when I saw things were different today, and instead of ...
Those of you on a diet to stay slim, I think, can relate easily to feeling hollow inside. Its not that you are hungry per se. Your diet allows you various things. Oatmeal with non fat milk, for example. Or green tea. And leafy vegetables. Without oil. But lets face it, once you eat these ...
Talking to ourselves is a common trait in the Perera family, in fact sometimes we get so carried away we have entire arguments in monologue. Its one of those traits of creative super bright people, like all my genius uncles who were heart surgeons,
The jolt Frederica felt was me taking the reins so to speak, in her head . It was all very odd considering I had only had the guts to do this once or twice in the last 2500 years. Bad things can happen to the possessor too, do you know ? I know people are ...
Theres an alleyway running up to my home which I hate. If I describe it, this hatred will seem quite understandable. There is a pile of garbage which gets stinker by the day, a lot of stray animals cats, dogs and other indeterminate dusk scuttling things which live, fight and die in this garbage, and there is often the stray ...
Possession is two thirds of ownership , they do say. And the young ladies of now adays just don’t listen to what the old wives say, “don’t walk about in lonely places, don’t eat fried stuff and go on the road, don’t walk about alone at dusk, don’t walk about alone when you have your periods, and avoid junctions”(1). ...