Future expectations/ අනාගත අපෙක්ෂාව... Kamburupitiya is an electorate where the studies and use of information technology is at its simplest and an undeveloped level. Information technology was just a dream to people in the rural areas. Our future ambition is to turn that dream to a reality starting and keeping up a "rural information technology and communication resource centre" (RITCOE ...
For some, the modern technological gimmicks are still an alien phenomenon. Considering that modern kids are brought up with facebook, twitter, skype and other countless virtual gimmicks, one would wonder whether they exist in an era different to ours. But such a generation still does exist. For them, the technology is just an unfamiliar territory. Chaminda Jayasekara, a vibrant, young ...
Very important to be careful when you travel by bus or train…. Mobile phone is very popular equipment today. But in our present society mobile phones are main tool for some group of people who are interested in sex. Because of this reason, specially ladies have to be careful when they travel by public transport services. බස් රථයේ, ...