This has not happened to me. But to one of my senior doctor. It was a rural hospital with minimum facilities. The doctor was called to attend an unresponsive patient. He has checked airway, breathing , circulation. Yes. fine. He immediately filled the transfer form & arranged the ambulance to transfer the patient after discussing with seniors & destination hospital.For ...
Patients admitting to post-natal wards is not uncommon with fever. Episiotomy site infections, urinary tract infections, viral fever, endometritis, surgical site infections are common causes. Usually they are treated with common antibiotics while observing the response. However the focus of infection is not always evident. In peripheral hospital where laboratory facilities are limited, treating such patients is quite challenging.When ...
Young female came with lower abdominal pain for 3 days. She gave a history of mild per vaginal bleeding few days back. She had no history of fever but had some vague symptoms suggestive of urinary tract infections. However she was afebrile. No abdominal tenderness on examination. However her urine pregnancy test/ HCG was positive. She underwent an ultrasound ...
Once there was a patient came to a clinic complaining of abdominal discomfort for some time. Past surgical history was significant for 2 lower segment caesarean sections. She was seen by some private practitioners & since she was not improved with their treatment, she was referred to us.Oh.. ultrasound abdomen showed a massive cyst measuring 17x 9 cm. But fortunately ...
Lack of progress of the labor or fetal distress is kind of challenging indication for caesarean section. Fetus already in distress & not progressing the labor may need immediate delivery. That time I was working as a medical officer in the same peripheral unit. One patient (G2P1C1) was persistently complained of pains & put into the labor room as she ...
We humans are not perfect. I have made thousands of mistakes during my life. Well then, why am I writing this?My career as a doctor began few years before in a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. To become a doctor is requires enormous dedication & hardship which cannot be written in books. In my career as a doctor as ...
He was a known de-compensated chronic alcoholic liver cell disease patient who gets admitted to the ward regularly for peritoneal tap to relieve difficulty in breathing. One day his complain was different. He complained of per rectal bleeding.Variceal bleeding in alcoholics is not uncommon. But in that particular patient had undergone colonoscopy within last 6 months & had been normal. ...