And welcome! :) It’s not a Tuesday, yet but here I am! First up, let me do some explaining on my post because it doesn’t seem like another daily rant! I’ve always wanted to do a bit of a DIY or Tips n’ Tricks post because I’m really big on these guys. I read, BuzzFeed and educate […]
Oh hello. It’s been a while. In my defence, I was in no internet zone and on partial vacation spending time with family and hence stayed away from screens. Think it did a world of good. Well it’s still Sunday December 28 over here, but for the 2014 review post I guess it’s about time that […]
It’s still Tuesday over here. Writing because well, I’m marginally tipsy coz now we are back to storing alcohol in the room. Tough days. As I mentioned in a post yesterday and a few days ago, we are shifting. I never realised how many things I had in my room. Most of them included all these […]
I mean seriously. What is this. I fell asleep on my chair last night, in my day clothes and laptop switched on and phone not charged. It’s happening all over again. I’m so overly tired, I just want to die. The same did happen last month. I’m not sure if it’s my lack of exercise […]
“All of the areas we are unaware of, all of the things we miss, how we think these big moments are in our life? When I graduate, when I get married. But maybe really life is what is in between all those big moments,” Boyhood. Please press “play” before proceeding to read the rest of the […]
I’m writing an additional post because I feel generous like that. Haha. (I like how I speak as though my audience is humungously large. Oh little pleasures) Also, quick apology on the home page layout, I wanted the “December Diaries” logo out there but clearly it is looking shitty. Will sort it out slowly. I […]
Oh hello. Yes, I shamefully said that it’d be an every-day-December-blog, but that didn’t happen okay and I’m sorry. I’m not sorry because I didn’t write, lol, I had genuine reasons that prevented me from doing so (read, exhaustion), but I’m sorry because there’s so much that happened that I want to tell you babies! […]
Oh hello there, I wrote again, so soon too. Teehee. The post is a little delayed than I expected however, had to rush out an hour after getting home and well that happened. Two things I can write about for this post before I pass out from exhaustion (also how is it only Tuesday?!). First, please see […]
A disclaimer before proceeding, I’m neither a doctor nor anyone qualified to give professional medical advise and am very much aware that experiences are diverse and subjective for those depressed or otherwise. Also, please note that I’m writing this not to seek attention but because it is one of those subjects that I feel needs more attention […]
…you call it quits. I don’t remember being this tired. Like ever. Okay maybe I do, but not in a very long time. My head hurts, along with many other parts of my body and I only hope that Sunday comes soon so I can sleep. I think it’s about time I go on another […]
Before I begin explaining the title, let me just say that after Day Ten slash tomorrow, I might go on a tiny break once more. I am tired. Mostly physically exhausted but the mental strain has become even more overwhelming. It’s funny how every time I think of how tired I am, I rethink to […]
I was unsure what I was to call today’s post after having declared this as a week where I would seek redefinitions of things and sentiments I once thought I understood, but the following quote I have added at the end of one of my email addresses made more sense to me now than it […]
Happy Monday my lovelies! I am starting off quite early today, read 0004h! Mostly because I need to get the pictures for the post sorted as I would be up and about with lots of things today. I am yet to neatly categorise and justify the last few posts as well, will do over the […]
Since there was so much buzz about this in “town”, I thought I might as well join in the drama <highfive yourself if you saw what I did there> with this Phantom menace. I went to see the show on October 06, 2014. Please do adequate Google and Daily Mirror searches to see a cast-list […]
So in case you didn’t already guess this one, I climbed Sigiriya! Woots. The first time in like twenty-something years. But it was the sense of accomplishment that comes with it. I’ve always been a bit of a Frescos and seeing it was quite a treat. The museum was all sorts of lovely as well, […]
Greetings readers! How was your day? Mine was a bit of rain and shine, literally. We were in Polonnaruwa this morning. We left Minneriya at 0800h and got there in about an hour. We rented bicycles at LKR 400 each, a total rip-off but then the rental chap said “10-12 kms” when in actuality it […]