For that day when I can have my own apartment or penthouse which is dog friendly… Where I can do the décor the way I want… Live the way I want… Cook whatever I want.. let my thoughts run wild over the view from the balcony… Sip a glass of wine and listen to some light music…. Read a book ...
I was suffering unbelievably with unbearable gastric pain the whole day. I was so desperate that I stopped all work and channelled my doctor for tomorrow morning. I was constantly talking to my mum for support to get through the day. And I’m just about done with my day.. One of my colleagues asked a peon to get me some ...
Today, I had an interesting chat with a senior creative, art based, colleague while waiting for a meeting to start. A few people love typography and so do I. He too loved it and reads up on them . He wants to find out how typography/ words and languages came into existence. How did it all start? Who started it? ...
I sat down to work on my thesis…. And didn’t do anything! My mind just went blank. Sigh. But my mind did suddenly drift off to a grade 6 history/geography lesson which is one that I loved and kept reading the chapters over and over again at that time.. it was about Babylonia and how it was a part of ...
It’s midnight. Duh! I was sipping Necto a little while ago, my new favourite drink, maybe because of the medium sugar content and the funny incomplete taste about it that makes me want to drink more and more. All day long I have been typing and researching, going through the most boring information I can ever find for my bloody ...
I want a Rottweiler or a labrador. And I want to call him Romeo. For he shall be with me till death do us apart. Ok, back to my thesis. I’m losing my mind with this. WHY OH WHY did no one stop me when I was going to start this!! Sigh.
I hate you, I love you, I hate that I love you Don’t want to but I can’t put nobody else above you I hate you, I love you, I hate that I want you You want her, you need her And I’ll never be her All alone I watch you watch her Like she’s the only girl you’ve ever ...
Since the current job doesn’t seem to be working well for me, I have gotten myself into another one. One thing I hate facing is the handing over of the resignation letter because they have always tried to convince me for hours to stay back. I really hope AI can stand my ground with this one for they depend more ...
Yesterday while I was talking about myself, a CEO realised how much of talent I have. I have known but doubted myself a lot. I thought being too confident would make me stop learning and trying to be better. But yesterday I realised what a waste of talent I am… I do nothing about myself. I need to finish the damn MBA and do things, many things…
That moment when my brother’s girlfriend has told my brother that his sister is smart, posh and has a vibrant personality! Oh joy! I have done my part.