Popular Schools Phenomenon in Sri Lanka

Enigmatic Journal

Cyber World, Its Future and Challenges

Enigmatic Journal

Population Crisis; What shall we do?

Enigmatic Journal

The Plight of Modern Family; Gender Equality and contemporary changes

Enigmatic Journal

Discovering the Leader in Me

Enigmatic Journal

Online Life; Is it safe?

Enigmatic Journal

The Poor Little 19th Amendment !!!

Enigmatic Journal

Climate Change and the Future of Mankind

Enigmatic Journal

The Battle Against Booze

Enigmatic Journal

Youth Unemployment, the Unsolved Problem.

Enigmatic Journal

Boys Don't Cry???

Enigmatic Journal

New Year; New Beginning? (Sinhala and Tamil New Year Special)

Enigmatic Journal

Social media as the engine of revolution

Enigmatic Journal

Sri Lankan Education System Needs an Overhaul

Enigmatic Journal