அதிகமாக கூறி விட்டேனோ..என நினைந்துவிட தோன்றியது. ஆனால், 15 வருட கனவை தானே சிதைத்துக்கொள்ளப்போகிறாள் என அறிந்தும்..தன் நேரத்தை சில்லறையாய் சிதைத்திட எவ்வாறு மனம் வந்திருக்கும் அவளுக்கு! என்றோ ஓர் நாள் இதற்கான தண்டனையாய் அனுபவிப்பாள் என அறிந்ததாலோ என்னவோ ,வழமையாக அவள் வழி தவறிப்போகும்போது எச்சரித்திடும் இயற்கைக்கூட அன்று மௌனமாகத்தான் இருந்தது . நாட்கள் கடந்தன. அப்படி என்ன தவறு செயதால் ,கைத்தொலைபேசி அவளை என்ன செய்து விட முடியும் எனக்கேட்டிடும் உங்கள் கேள்விகள் ஞாயமானவை. இக்கேள்விக்கான பதில் , அவள் அதன் ...
Do you believe the fact that 10 to 15 drinking water bottles can power up your house for 2 days? The Harvard Professor, Daniel Nocera said that the Chemistry of plants is the most likely place to find a solution for the long term energy crisis. Sunlight plus water can give H2 and O2 with one of nature’s gifts in ...
Nuclear energy is widely used to produce electricity as it is cheap, efficient, and environmentally friendly. It does not require natural sources such as wind, water, or solar power. But it must be controlled and maintained properly. The slightest error can cause huge damage that will affect all living beings on earth. In 1986, April 26th, the Chernobyl Nuclear Power ...
Are you a tandem repeat of a virus? Recurring through my genes That should have stayed there Without annoying me You may be a mutation Which I can’t delete No matter how hard I try Till my mismatch repair system is exhausted I would very much like to Run a PCR on your sequence And see what is so special ...
Imagine being a Humpback whale. You are roughly the size of a school bus and requiring a tremendous about of energy to keep you alive. Lucky for you, you live in waters that house schools of small crustaceans called krill, which is your primary diet. Given that they are very small in comparison to your colossal self, they are quite ...
“Damn, you are a girl! You can’t do that!” The most famous quote ever. l swear, you must have heard it a million times if you are a girl. But have you ever thought that you are a million times stronger than men, physically and mentally? No more doubts. So there is no point of living under their rules and ...
Sri Lankan elephant (Elephas maximus maximus) is currently categorized in to Endangered level (EN) in the IUCN Red Data Book. However the declining of elephant population day by day pulls them towards the Critically Endangered (CR) category which will ultimately expel them from the earth categorizing them to the category Extinct (EX). Species Elephas maximus consists of three subspecies. Among them ...
“Did you smile today?” “Yes of course, I did.” Amazing! Such a lucky person you are. Do you know that there are millions of people who couldn’t smile today, not because they don’t need to but because they don’t have a reason. Something, just something has stolen their beautiful smiles. So what? I’m here, scrolling my Facebook page, eating and ...
The gifts I’d find for you and leave Will raise your happiness on the Christmas eve No one can touch or hear, nor see But you will feel it, that relieves me Why spend lots of coins on some To feel gorgeous on the day to come To keep your smile on the day and more ...
CINNA: O Caesar, CAESAR: Hence! wilt thou lift up Olympus? DECIUS BRUTUS: Great Caesar, CAESAR: Doth not Brutus bootless kneel? CASCA: Speak, hands for me! [CASCA first, then the other Conspirators and BRUTUS stab CAESAR] CAESAR: Et Tu, Brute! Then fall, Caesar! [Dies] CINNA: Liberty! Freedom! Tyranny is dead! Run hence, proclaim, cry it about the streets. An extract from ...
Ever wondered what happens inside the plants standing outside, exposed to chilling weather conditions without a shred of cloth on them? Isn’t it amazing how they survive cold snowstorms with severe winds, left with no other option but to remain firmly rooted to one place? A human can only survive a maximum of one hour, at freezing temperatures below 10°c. Yet ...
Can you identify the difference between the two images of the houses below(Fig.1)? Isn’t it so obvious? But a certain patient observes both these images to be completely identical. This patient has suffered from a stroke that damaged his right side of the brain, leaving everything on his left side unaware. But even though he couldn’t distinguish the difference between ...
How the world’s 3rd oldest still existing nations state came to be… -A story based on our history including facts I learned from my childhood- Let’s go back 2700 years (9th century B.C); about 600 years after the decline of the Ravanian Empire. This was the Pre-Sinhalese Age (9th century BC-543 BC) Migration, Settlements & Diversity After “Aryawartha”: Arrival of ...