A semester ago I took a quick sprint down memory lane. At the time, although I claimed ‘my days as an undergraduate are numbered’ I had one more semester in hand. Today, with just a month to go, my final days as an undergrad are truly closing in. Although finishing our exams is a relief, it’s a temporary feeling. There ...
Everyone of us listen to songs to feel good, to relax. Ever noted that number of sad songs in your playlists? Take a second and look, I guess it hits the highest. It is the general truth that sad songs make us feel good, something proven with the experience and scientifically. A team of psychologists from the Free University of ...
Picking memories I remember and understand; You taught me how to swim, Teaching me to love the water and enjoy it, Never to fear what may perhaps even drown you, which maybe why every now and then, I pity and shrug off haters, wishing them a good life… You taught me how to ride the bicycle, Showing me that every ...
“Humans are color-blind compared to birds and many other animals”, said Mary Caswell Stoddard, an assistant professor in the Princeton University, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. It is really astonishing to hear such and you might wonder then who are the masters of color vision. Like most primates, humans are trichromatic. That means, our eyes have three types of ...
Ghosts…I would like to explain it as bad and weak energies. As scientists we always follow the scientific method and we expecting possible reasons for everything. Does it can apply for the things that are invisible? Let’s assume so and follow it. Spirits needs a medium to connect with a human as genes need a body to transport traits among ...
155, மட்டக்குளி- சொய்சாபுர என குறிக்கப்பட்ட பெயர் பலகை தாங்கி வரும் பஸ்,பலரின் விழித்திரைகளில் நீங்காத. சிறப்புத்தோற்றம் இந்த பஸ்ஸிற்கு மட்டும், வேறு எந்த பஸ் சேவைக்கும் இல்லாத புகழாரங்கள் இதற்குரியதாக மட்டும்.வளர்ந்து வரும் நாடா இலங்கை?என சந்தேகத்தை எழுப்பும் வகையில் சேவை வழங்கும் பஸ் 155.இப்படியெல்லாம் பில்டப் செய்வேன் என்று மட்டும் எண்ணாதீர்கள் நண்பர்களே!அவ்வாறு நான் கூறினால் சிலபல உள்ளங்கள்(155பிரயாணிகள்)பொங்கி எழக்கூடும்.ஏன் அது பல விபரீத விளைவுகளையும் ஏற்படுத்திவிடலாம்.அத்துடன் இவ்வாறான பொய்கள் அந்த
So,we are meeting again to learn the second national languages of mother Sri Lanka. We have finished learning about daily wishes and interactive phrases in lesson 6, about various times of the day in lesson 7 and the basic numbers in the lesson 8.Now,we shall study some applications of the numbers as promised in the last lesson. First we will ...
After a long wait, the day began with the first journey in IAO 2019. All teams were fed up with the hard days which passed by them. So, all of them were excited to join this trip. At around 9 a.m. all got into the buses and the journey to visit the western side of the Neamt country started. After ...
Thinking of all those times I have sat staring at a blank white paper with a pen in hand or a white screen, with hands paused over the keyboard, only needing a command from my head to make sense of a whirlpool of emotions or a handful of facts gathered, this precise moment is nothing less. Yet, there is a ...