Exploiting an intriguing language as well as an effective mode of communication in a blues structure, W.H Auden rouses his voice against the intolerable Nazi persecution that led hundreds of Jewish people out of their native country. Narrated with an inclusion of a rhyming scheme, Auden aptly focuses on, studding in a lyrical quality to the piece aiding an effective ...
The ring of fire is the playful pet name we gave to the last annular solar eclipse visible to Sri Lanka for the next 10 years. The gang of ten woke up at 4.00 am on the day of the eclipse and hurried to get ready. By 5.45 am, we had our gear outside, waiting for the bus from University ...
It was a morning in Royal College, Colombo and I had the privilege of witnessing one of Mr. Upali Gunasekara’s speeches. It was the day when the school was admitting the Grade one students – so the parents and family members gathered in the Nawarangahala with the new batch of Royalists. He was talking about how lucky they are to ...
Say no to plastic pollution We are not the same blue green planet that existed 100 years ago.” Are we? Nope.” We are facing the consequences of our ill-treatments towards the planet. We are threatened with global issues like climate change, global warming etc. All the life forms on the earth are suffering silently due to our misbehavior. At this ...
I’m pretty sure you know what the four basic operations in mathematics are. They are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This article is about division. More specifically, this article is about how to divide by three. Are you really good at mathematics? How many of you are good at basic mental mathematics? How many of you can divide by three ...
Each and every one of us will have to face death. In your life you may have experienced someone you loved, passing away and you may miss them a lot. Unfortunately, no matter how much the technology is advanced, there is no cure for death. We have watched all sorts of fiction movies and dramas where dead people are brought ...
<<A roman walks into a bar, holds up two fingers, and says “Five beers, please.” >> Everyone’s education in mathematics started with counting fingers. We have drifted from relying on fingers to count since then. But we can still catch ourselves using fingers to count stuff like telephone numbers. The title says counting fingers, in the following paragraphs I’m going ...
Students holding dictionaries and scrabble boards filled the university gymnasium. They were talking and debating about words that will give them the highest score. This was the enthusiasm at the Fresher’s Scrabble Tournament. It was held on the 6th of April 2019, at the University Gymnasium from 8.00 a.m onward. The tournament conducted under 2 main categories. Men’s category ...
Walking into our faculty on another bright week day, mind filled with a ‘to-do-list’ of tasks, I was not at all prepared for the sight that welcomed me as I looked up while entering the ‘open’… A sea of new faces, looking anxious and restless; some staring at nothing in particular while few others (like myself) looking all around trying ...
This is an issue that has been bugging me since visiting the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) last year with few of my friends. If I state ‘NIMH’, not many would get what I am trying to talk about. But if I say Angoda many would understand better. My visit to the NIMH with my friends was with the ...