“Public service must be more than doing a job efficiently and honestly. It must be a complete dedication to the people and the nation.” ~Margaret Chase Smith – Senator of the United States Public Service is a part of the economy, responsible for ...
Heads Up, music lovers! Every year on June 21st, the world comes together to celebrate the unifying power of music. Beyond the melodies, That rise and fall, It hid a tale went through rain and shine… Where the words failed to speak, It became the universal echo, That everyone feels… When the darkest night arrives, Could it really be, The ...
As the full moon of June rises, illuminating the island with its serene glow, the people of Sri Lanka come together for the celebration of the Poson Poya. This day marks the religious significance of the arrival of Buddhism on the island over two millennia ago. According to the Mahavamsa, the Great Chronicles of Sri Lanka, the arrival of Arahant ...
Father’s Day is a special occasion dedicated to honoring the remarkable dedications and unwavering love of fathers around the world, serves as an opportune moment to express heartfelt appreciation for these unsung heroes. Fathers, the unsung heroes of our lives are the first superhero any child meets in their life, the silent architects of our dreams and the strongest guardians ...
Fueling hope, drop by drop. It is a mission, to collect the fuel for the humans and it must be celebrated. The World Blood Donor Day is held on June 14. It was first celebrated in 2004 on the birthday anniversary of Karl Landsteiner, who won the Nobel Prize for his discovery of the ABO blood group system. This day ...
“Mind if I sit?” A voice sounded in my ear. Turning, I saw him standing there, gesturing to the empty seat beside me. Shocked would describe my stance I guess. Nodding mutedly, I watched in awe as he took his place beside me. Something enticed me in the most mundane tasks he performed. He had all my attention, yet his ...
Underneath, a sky so wide, When the horizon meets the tide, A World of Blue lies, With endless dreams and highs, Whispering waves, Proud roars, Hold the rich and the gold! From coral realms where colors gleam, Where whales sing in deep, And dolphins dance free. Where turtles spin and spin and spin, All, which carry tales untold, Our oceans ...
Vincent Willem van Gogh was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter who created approximately 2,100 artworks, including around 860 oil paintings. His extensive body of work was primarily composed of landscapes, still lives, portraits, and self-portraits, the majority of which were created during the last two years of his life while he was staying at the asylum in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence in Southern France. ...
June 5th marks World Environment Day, an annual observance aimed at fostering global awareness and action for the protection of our planet. This year, the focus is on land restoration, combating desertification, and enhancing drought resilience. These critical issues demand immediate attention and collaborative action to secure a sustainable future for our environment and communities. The Imperative of Land Restoration ...
Love, an age-old concept, has undergone profound transformations in the postmodern era. The amalgamation of technological advancements, changing social norms, and the omnipresence of a capitalistic economic model has given rise to a unique landscape of relationships. This article explores the intricate interplay between postmodern love, the wisdom of youth, and the influence of the capitalistic economic model. The Shifting ...
Pretend the pain isn’t yours Don’t know where I picked it up from Lying on the sidewalk, perhaps? Splattered on asphalt? Ripped out of a throat hoarse with grief? A friend? A relative? Foe, even? 3.30AM and it isn’t late enough Why, barely has the age died out Sanity has cut the curtains But insanity is yet to make its ...
“Give me your hand, the mud gets heavier on the way ahead!”, a smile broke through her jubilant face, her eyes squinting at me all the while the sun lit her face. The mud indeed got heavier, as I wasn’t the only one panting and struggling for life through the terrain; the entire regiment that was marching behind us was ...
Lumbini, the Queen Mahamaya Held on to a branch of a Sal tree, As the newly born Prince Siddhartha Made lotus flowers bloom at his steps. Accepting a meal of milk-rice from Sujata And bathing at the river Neranjana, The thirty-five-year-old Bodhisattva Gained enlightenment under the Buddha Gaya. Pava, the Gautama Buddha Received a meal at a mango grove, And ...
Before the Victory, It was our history, And one of our rules, Which kids weren’t sent to schools. Fathers and mothers went to work. But they were afraid, do not smirk. Because their lives of brisk, Were at risk. Not only kids, fathers and mothers, Of course, how could we forget the lovers, They were afraid of being apart, As ...
Through a glimpse thunder hits Sky trembles into pieces Pillars of wisdom fell Shaking the ground Felt blood throttle through my veins Gloomy white smoke took the vision Arms are shivering could not control fingers Earth started to shake Time paused for a moment World was separated No pain no sorrow Only the flames of rage The future I foresaw ...
As the birds take to the azure skies and journey across distant lands, oceans, and even continents, they bring tidings of changing seasons from their homelands and balance to the waiting ecosystems. The natural process of migration occurs when birds leave their native lands during unfavourable conditions to find favourable grounds for better survival. Annually, thousands of flocks of migratory ...
Every year on May 8, people around the world come together to celebrate World Red Cross Day. This special day commemorates the birth anniversary of Henry Dunant, a Swiss businessman and social activist, who was born on May 8, 1828 in Geneva, Switzerland. He was the founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the recipient of ...
In the heart of every democratic society lies an essential pillar that upholds the integrity of its very foundation – the freedom of the press. On this auspicious occasion of Press Freedom Day, we not only celebrate the invaluable contributions of journalists worldwide but also reaffirm our commitment to defending this fundamental right, which serves as a beacon of democracy ...
In the entangled world of plants and pathogens, the plant disease cycle manifests as a captivating interplay of events, where pathogens exploit their host’s vulnerabilities to thrive and propagate. This intricate dance encompasses several distinct stages, including Inoculation, Penetration, Host Recognition, Establishment of Infection, Colonization or Invasion, Growth and Reproduction of Pathogen, Dissemination, and Overseasoning. Each stage involves complex interactions ...