Dinner was merely done when the lights go off. It’s time for the power cut of the day. I consider going back to studying. With the dark, it’ll be pointless. Instead, I let myself stroll to my favorite spot. The balcony. The place I like the most yet couldn’t visit in a while. I expect total darkness without electricity, but ...
“To acquire literacy is more than to psychologically and mechanically dominate reading and writing techniques. It is to dominate those techniques in terms of consciousness; to understand what one reads and to write what one understands: it is to communicate graphically. Acquiring literacy does not involve memorising sentences, words or syllables – lifeless objects unconnected to an existential universe – ...
“World peace must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just mere absence of violence. Peace is, I think, the manifestation of human compassion.” -Dalai Lama World peace is the concept of an ideal state of peace within and among society and people. Society is of unique individuals interacting together with each other. Society is at peace only if each ...
They smiled and laughed! They shouted, They whispered! They hid, They sought! They played, They worked! They loved and only loved! Pure souls, Breathed innocence! Time passed; They are no more, All grown! Slight smiles, Silent cries, Only work, only whisper, Only hide: no seek, No trust: seldom love They are all grown! Not the same, As it was! Written ...
There lives a pale woman of skin and bones on the abandoned castle on the hill. With glorious gowns and treasure that men and dragons would battle for. Some lonely nights I walk along the moonlit path then suddenly I hear her laugh, sending shivers down my spine. The wind carries the melancholy sound down to the townsmen who live ...
What do TikTok trends, Sri Lankans honking their horns invoking a certain black bird, catchy tunes that everyone hums, adding an ‘m’ between syllables of a word, “sad doge”, “distracted boyfriend”, and “traumatized Mr. Incredible”, all have in common? They’re memes! At least by the broad and original definition of the term… In his highly influential 1976 book The Selfish ...
She can be a mother…. she can be a sister…… she can be a friend…. She can be a partner…. She can be anything that she wants to be. Every woman in the world is blessed with the ability to multitask and play multiple roles which come into her life. Nevertheless, the stereotypes about women that have been deeply rooted ...
Melodious was the tune that filled nature Surpassing the beauty of the Koel Awaking all life with its note Even those that withered away Seemed to resurrect under its tone But where was such melody blooming? Searched the youngins of all And resulted in finding its source. At the bank of the sparkling river Basking in the rays of the ...
A starry night is a night full of intrigue and mystery. Can you believe that there is a star that is older than our universe? By now the universe is approximately 13.8 billion years old but Methuselah is 16 billion years old. Wait, what?! Is that possible? How did a star exist before the universe began? Most researchers agree that ...
Ocean waves dressed in green, blue and white Every time they meet the white sand beneath my feet the path I took disappears behind me. The smell of the ocean brings forth the memories The memories of childhood and the reminders of Jimmy The time we spend running about and playing the music of the waves seems the same as ...
I know; I know; From all the things the hardest is, to wait. Trust me! It’s worth it Cause; You will touch the stars “someday” That day is not faraway: Wait! Wait! Wait! Work hard, harder, hardest! Till the “someday” Cause; You’re a STAR! Written by: Vihangi Thissera Image Courtesy: https://bit.ly/3QAKCsc The post “SOMEDAY” appeared first on FOS Media Students' Blog.