So what’s the solution to this predicament, she wondered. Her mum just passed away, and here were the rest of the clan twittering away like the gossiping old cows that they were. She let her hooded eyes secretly jump like a tennis ball from one face to the other; all the while knowing that most were here to gloat than ...
We are just cruising down to Massachusetts, he said. It really was like the good ole days; going gung-ho with the gas pedal; listening to the Gin Blossoms; downing some of that Jameson, and appreciating that yellow burn in their guts. But this was different. Warren saw it. He saw it in the nervous tic, which tapped out a secret ...
Pichu! Pichu! Pichu! So rang the make-believe bullets that my son shot at me with his forefinger. I contemplated the red blooms that appeared like spring on my shirt, which were preceded by craters of pain. As the pain incessantly grew, so too did my son’s devious grin.
Grease my hands with some cash, Jimmy. That was the only slurred, whiskey-inspired request I ever got from Donny; that happened a month ago. I probably shouldn’t have greased his hands. If I didn’t, 20 kids would’ve been alive. So Donny got his grease and he bought himself a gun, and now he is dead. He went down in a ...
Twirling her blonde hair, which was embellished with wisps of orange highlights, through her fingers, she made her way lazily towards the master bedroom. It seemed that the house was alive. In a way it was. She thought of Sade, and Somebody Already Broke My Heart drifted through the speakers embedded in the ceiling caressing her with waves of affection. ...
It would’ve been different if it were broad daylight, but it was pitch dark outside, and the only light casting a feeble yellow glow around her bedroom was a reading lamp. With case documents littering her lap, and her mind crisscrossed with a number of court cases, her nerves were being tested. What’s the truth, she wondered, fingering one particular ...
It’s someone called Jason on the line, my wife yelled while cradling Sara and stirring my coffee. Sighing, I padded towards the phone with a toothbrush in my mouth, and the double mint toothpaste foaming around my lips. I patted Sara; grinned at my wife clownishly; and growled into the phone — Yellow! — and all I heard was breathing. ...
Her son’s footsteps treaded a familiar route to his room, and the door creaked shut. But before those footsteps transported her son to his room, which was resplendent with posters of Skrillrex, Iron Maiden and ACDC, he hesitated outside her door (possibly confused as to why her door was shut) and uttered a familiar announcement. Except…except that it wasn’t as ...
Murder was part of the menu and featured richly in a day’s work: getting called in to a murder scene; taking samples of hair, blood, semen, fiber etc.; jotting down quick notes, and wrapping things up so that the crime scene could be cleaned up. He didn’t give this entire process much thought; he just went with the flow, seeing ...
He took a deep breath, paused, looked into her eyes, and started: As an intern in this office, it’s of paramount importance that your enunciation is of a superlative quality. It’s somewhat tragic that schools and universities in America don’t give children the necessary tools to prosper in this incredible life; case in point: numerical, and speech and drama skills. ...
“When you’re an old woman, you learn a few things along the way; quite a few things when you’ve made a living off people’s misery. No, not like a lawyer or doctor who line their pockets with poor people’s pennies; but like a medium who’s trying her best to shut the door of whatever world that they’ve unwittingly opened. I’ll ...
“When you’re an old woman, you learn a few things along the way; quite a few things when you’ve made a living off people’s misery. No, not like a lawyer or doctor who line their pockets with poor people’s pennies; but like a medium who’s trying her best to shut the door of whatever world that they’ve unwittingly opened. I’ll ...
We all are, she said, a wee bit different. The twinkle in his mother’s eyes told him not to take what she was about to say too seriously. So he prepared himself; what he saw within the next few minutes became structured in his mind like a numbered list. 1. She stood up, and lifted her skirt, smiling as she ...
We all are, she said, a wee bit different. The twinkle in his mother’s eyes told him not to take what she was about to say too seriously. So he prepared himself; what he saw within the next few minutes became structured in his mind like a numbered list. 1. She stood up, and lifted her skirt, smiling as she ...
Your nose looks curved here, she said, pointing to a sepia-toned Polaroid. Despite a hesitant blinking of his eyes, he went about typing emails with a smile. She offered him a smile and hugged him. This happened in September. Now she’s dead. Before she died she noticed how he changed throughout the years. His summer kisses on the beach were ...
Your nose looks curved here, she said, pointing to a sepia-toned Polaroid. Despite a hesitant blinking of his eyes, he went about typing emails with a smile. She offered him a smile back and hugged him. This happened way back in September, and now she’s dead. Before she died she noticed how he changed throughout the years. His summer kisses ...
A slow kiss; that’s how she said her good bye to Fernando as he gave up on life with just a wisp of air lingering on his cold lips. Now she could look forward to welcoming 2008 with grief. Sadness is a must because it promises healing, she thought. She secretly never cared much for his art where he magically ...
A slow kiss; that’s how she said her good bye to Fernando as he gave up on life with just a wisp of air lingering on his cold lips. Now she could look forward to welcoming 2008 with grief. Sadness is a must because it promises healing, she thought. She secretly never cared much for his art where he magically ...
The sweat bubbled up slowly until his forehead was neatly aligned with globules of wetness. He muttered in his sleep, and lapsed into silence. Without any warning, he opened his mouth and let out an enthusiastic roar of screams. That’s when his parents came running into the room and having pulled at the switch, flooded it with light that seared ...
The sweat bubbled up slowly until his forehead was neatly aligned with globules of wetness. He muttered in his sleep, and lapsed into silence. Without any warning, he opened his mouth and let out an enthusiastic roar of screams. That’s when his parents came running into the room and having pulled at the switch, flooded it with light that seared ...