Be the Force - Drive the Future Invitation to ICT - Tech - Media & Design Students Smart Mobile Technology For YouthOn 8th August, World Youth Day@ Dialog Axiata Head office Auditorium, Colombo More Information | Apply Here
Each user in a database can be in one or more roles db_owner can perform all configuration and maintenance activities on the database, and can also drop the database.db_securityadmin can modify role membership and manage permissions. Adding principals to this role could enable unintended privilege escalation.db_accessadmin can add or remove access to the database for Windows logins, Windows groups, and ...
MySQLi - i standing for 'improved'.PDOPDO works with various different database systemsMySQLi will only work with MySQL databases.Both are object oriented, but MySQLi allows procedural usage also.PHP MySQLi object oriented implementation,ConnectingCreate a new instance of MySQLi on localhost database$db = new mysqli('localhost', 'mysql_database', 'pass', 'demo');if($db->connect_errno > 0){ die('Unable to connect to database [' . $db->connect_error . ']');}Querying$sql = SELECT * ...
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a special-purpose programming language designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS). sql IS based upon relational algebra and tuple relational calculus. SQL consists of a data definition language and a data manipulation language. The scope of SQL includes data insert, query, update and delete, schema creation and modification, and data ...
File TypesA file can be either text or binary.A text file is a sequence of lines and a line is a sequence of characters.The line is terminated by a EOL (End Of Line) character. A binary file is any file. Binary files can only be processed if we know the file structure.Open ( )open() returns a file objectfile_object = open(filename, ...
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a design language. It simplify the presentation of web pages. CSS take care of the look and feel of a web page. CSS help control the color of the text, the style of fonts, spacing between paragraphs, background images and other effects. CSS enable presenting same content on different devices like mobiles , tabs, Web ...
proxy server is a server that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients and seeks resources from other servers A client connects to the proxy server, requesting some service, such as a file, connection, web page, or other resource available from a different server and the proxy server evaluates the request as a way to simplify and control its ...
Problem StatementAn array A consist of N positive integers. List all the subarrays of array and replaced all the subarrayswith the maximum element present in the respective sub array.View Problem at Hacker Rankdef numberList(a ,k): result = 0 big = -1 alen=0 #print(a) for val in a: a[alen]=int(a[alen]) alen=alen+1 #print (alen) k=int(k); for i in range(alen): if a[i] > k: ...
AJAX : Asynchronous JavaScript and XMLWeb application use a combination of XHTML, CSS, DOM, XML. Gmail is one example of a web application that utilizes AJAX.ElementsHTML Document is made of HTML Elements like <IMG>, <br> Tag. <br>Attributes are additional information of HTML Elements<IMG SRC="abc.jpg" height="230" width="150">CGI Common Gateway InterfaceCGI allows users visiting a web page to send and receive information ...
Function appSMART 2015{1. Welcome to world of Apps2. What is an app? and how does it help society & business3. Design a Smart app of your own Idea 4. Trending Tools for Mobile App Development5. Education Apps in Local Language6. Where to go from here}Come! Create your own app8th August in ColomboApply Online
ICT will become powerful extension of human beings designed to augment intelligence, learning, communications, and productivity.ICT will become intuitive—they will “learn,” “recognize,” and “know” what we want, who we are, and even what we desire.Computer chips will be used everywhere, and they become invisible-embedded in everything from brains and hearts, to clothes and toys.Computers will manage essential global systems, such ...