Did you know the cucumber originates from Southern Asia, but now grows on most continents? Many different varieties are traded on the global market. The cucumber (cucumis sativus) is one of the most important market vegetables in the tropics and it is also the basis of an extensive pickling industry. In Sri Lanka, cucumbers are mainly grown in the dry zone (North and ...
Did you know the cucumber originates from Southern Asia, but now grows on most continents? Many different varieties are traded on the global market. The cucumber (cucumis sativus) is one of the most important market vegetables in the tropics and it is also the basis of an extensive pickling industry. In Sri Lanka, cucumbers are mainly grown in the dry zone (North and ...
Dutch is a difficult and challenging language that has some odd unexpected surprises, such as phrases from other languages and extremely difficult spelling. Dutch & Other Languages You may be surprised to learn how many Dutch words are borrowed from other languages. French used to be considered the height of elegance in the Dutch-speaking world, leading to a lot of ...
Dutch is a difficult and challenging language that has some odd unexpected surprises, such as phrases from other languages and extremely difficult spelling. Dutch & Other Languages You may be surprised to learn how many Dutch words are borrowed from other languages. French used to be considered the height of elegance in the Dutch-speaking world, leading to a lot of ...
The recent heavy monsoon rains have turned the bottom of my garden into somewhat of a marshland and this has meant an explosion of gotu kola sprouting up everywhere. Intrigued I started reading up on this herb and wow what a herb it is! In fact it’s so bloody good for you, they sell it in capsules, as tea and ...
The recent heavy monsoon rains have turned the bottom of my garden into somewhat of a marshland and this has meant an explosion of gotu kola sprouting up everywhere. Intrigued I started reading up on this herb and wow what a herb it is! In fact it’s so bloody good for you, they sell it in capsules, as tea and ...
This is not a fun post, but I need to share. Maybe I’m a bit narcissistic too who knows. I broke up with a man about a year ago. Well, wrong words…he was f*cking somebody else (not the first time) so I left even though he tried to convince me to come back to him on numerous occasions (even while ...
I actually think Holland is one of the coolest countries in the world, yeah I may be biased, I was born there. I am a full-blood 100% Nederlander, only I’m not in spirit but that’s another story. This post is all about Holland and my Mums village. Why? Because I’m here and I’m inspired. It is the country where I ...
I actually think Holland is one of the coolest countries in the world, yeah I may be biased, I was born there. I am a full-blood 100% Nederlander, only I’m not in spirit but that’s another story. This post is all about Holland and my Mums village. Why? Because I’m here and I’m inspired. It is the country where I ...
I haven’t had time to blog much lately as I have been really busy but just wanted to share this with you today. Dale Mahon, a great friend of mine, wrote this out of the blue on his phone on a train journey from Colombo to Hikkaduwa. It’s poignant, poetic but most of all brings to life imagery in words. ...
The Sri Lankan captain celebrates the semi-final win Oh boy I’m nervous and I’m not even a massive cricket fan. Sri Lanka are playing in the final tonight against the West Indies in the ICC World Twenty20. For all you non-cricket fans out there click here for a bit of background. Now normally I only get excited about Holland in major ...
My blogging has become a bit sporadic of late, there are two reasons for this: I have started a new job which is taking up a lot of my time in training and well…”actual” work I haven’t been in the greatest of mind sets over the last few weeks, it’s personal so I’m not going to broadcast it all over ...
Firstly I say sorry to my followers – I have started a new job which has kind of taken over my life so I haven’t been blogging much. Do not worry I’m not giving up blogging or sharing recipes, just bear with me whilst I get settled into the new routine. I thought it would be interesting to share with ...
This is one of my rants. Forgive me if any of you take offence…I am just saying it how it is. Also note I am with one of these Sri Lankan men who grew up in a tourist resort, so I probably fall into the former category of actually seeing them in a good light. 6+ years and we are ...
When I first came to Sri Lanka in 2003 I have to be honest and say that it took some time for my western palate to adapt to some of the fiery dishes on offer here. The following dish, however, I was instantly addicted to. I adore potatoes and to have them served fried with onions was already a favourite. ...
I love eggs. My previous post was dedicated to eggs because they are so good. No recipes or knowledge or nutritional facts, nope, just photo’s, drool-worthy images. We all know eggs are good for you bar a bit of cholesterol but all in all they’re good and cheap and just well….tasty. Unfortunately in Sri Lanka I often come across over-cooked eggs. This ...
It’s a Saturday and I was getting ready to research the recipe and write my next post on that wonderful Sri Lankan food; Egg Hoppers. BUT sorry folks I got distracted… By what? Eggs. Yes Eggs. If you don’t like them I suggest you stop reading now or have a look and maybe you will be tempted. Simple, tasty and ...
This is for my friends and blog commenters who have asked me why I have been avoiding the Olympics in my blog. Well… I have been too busy watching the Olympics on TV to blog much Two – not all of the sports interest me unless they involve great athletic prowess, a huge record breaking headline, controversy (doping scandals etc.) ...
Ok, ok I have a weakness for KFC. Zinger burgers are pretty tasty (although I hate the KFC chips – greasy, sloppy & anaemic – gah). Yes I know it’s crap fast food and unhealthy so I’ve been trying out some new healthier and spicier variations at home and one of these turned out very nicely so I’m letting you ...