I love spicy food. I have been asked often why I eat food as spicy as I do. I don't know why. But then I do come from an island that was colonized by the British partly for its spices. So I guess we people have a spice gene that needs satiating. One of my favorite foods from the ...
Hubby and I had a fright of the worst sort. We took our Offspring for his swim lesson after a three week break (just the way City programs are organised). He loves the water, his swim lessons and was looking forward to seeing his old friends. We had warned him his old friends may not be there and that ...
Inspired by the moju that turned out so well I cooked a whole meal. I figured if I used the some of the spices from the moju recipe I might be able to get the flavour of fried rice that I so love. And I did! It was the cloves. I never use cloves in my cooking because I ...
We had a very expensive meal this weekend. Lamb chops, Australian lamb chops at that. When I say expensive I am not speaking of the money we paid, but more about the cost of production, transportation etc. We do have lamb every now and then, but every time I pick it up at the grocery shop I hear that ...
I have a new phone! YAY!Folks tend to get really excited for me when I say that. It is the first time I have said that. I on the other hand have little interest in fancy phones. I still maintain that a telephone should remain just that, a telephone. I started to lament on facebook and realised that my friends ...
Some days are better than others for me and weekends for a housewife are no different from the work week. Sometimes it means more work than the so called work week. So when Good Friday rolled around we hadn't make concrete plans to do anything for the weekend I cooked lunch (the way us Sri Lankans cook no matter ...
Winter is gone. In actual fact it never did quite arrive and Spring just waltzed in. But this seems to have completely confused all my precious flora and fauna. The blue jays for one were around all winter and now they are here in flocks. The best way to lure Jays - peanuts! I usually wait with much anticipation ...
Wednesday, March 13th marked nine years since I moved to Canada. And for the first time in nine years I feel like I could live the rest of my life here if I had to. Part of this has to do with my little monkey who makes life worth living. He even makes Winter so much fun with sledding, ...
So it turns out the City does deal with things in a half decent fashion. Good to know, it is after all our tax money that is at work. I got a call from the pool supervisor where our Offspring goes for lessons. She had not been there the day of the incident. She was at the union negotiations ...
My bubba's birthday is all done! He still has a little celebrating to do because only seven of his friends showed up at school. Understandable, because it was -40 outside. My little monkey was way to excited to sleep. Oh to be excited about getting older!courtesy: catchmyparty.comI am rather a committed person when it comes to not harming the planet ...
Apart from getting my blog going (which still needs an enormous amount of organizing) and taking care of offspring full time, I have also been pursuing some career options. One of them being an international PhD scholarship to the one place I am certain I am connected to in some cosmic way. I got all the documents done on time ...
I struggle with planning meals. It has to be one of the hardest parts of keeping house, running a household, or whatever you want to call it. The food has to be palatable, nutritious, balanced and appeal to the picky eaters. It also has to work with mine and Hubby's work schedule and the little monkey's extra-curricular schedule. These are ...
Staying home with the Offspring has resulted in me living in a la la land of my own. I experiment with cooking, having finally discovered that it does help live in denial of reality, if not relieve stress. My posts of late have had a lot to do with food. Today, as I carried a bag of groceries to ...
This has to have been the most exhausting birthday party I have planned for my monkey, although when I look back there were just a few extra people and we didn't do anything unusual. So I am blaming Batman! That cake took a lot out of me. Probably because I baked the giant base for it. We were expecting more ...
Last year was a challenge to say the least. There were some good things, like resolving certain health issues and adjusting to big boy school for the offspring. But overall it pushed our limits. It also marked ten years of being married and I am afraid we did little to celebrate. That is another story, for another time, and probably ...
Is that even possible? I have, in my efforts to attract local wildlife, tried to find native plants with little luck. Not to mention that anything I do find ends up costing a ridiculous amount of money. But I managed to find some information at Canada Blooms. Perhaps the only useful thing I did while there last weekend. I attended ...
I am not a big fan of Valentine's Day, in fact I don't like it at all. It just adds to all the stress of an already stressful season, not to mention the ridiculously priced flowers and chocolates. But this year was different. My little man who turned four in January was very excited about 'Valentimes' day. He was ...
Well, I can't take all the credit for this pizza. I have Martha Stewart to thank for the dough. I always thought it was a lot of work getting the dough done and that it involved a lot of muscle work. I don't care for that because one needs muscles to do it and I replaced mine with fat a ...
Five years ago, on this day I was walking around feeling rather uncomfortable wondering when the baby would come. I had had enough. I had seen my obstetrician earlier in the day and she assured me I would have the baby before Friday. She was right. Just over 24 hours after I'd seen her, he arrived - tiny, gross and ...
For the last four years we have insisted that people not bring presents for our offspring's birthday party. Instead we ask that folks bring non-perishable food items that we can donate to the local women's shelter. It is a highly secure location and I worked hard to earn their trust because the women that make it there do so under ...