මම දවසක් පාදුක්ක පැත්තේ රවුමක් ගහද්දි දැකපු දෙයක් තමයි මේක.බස් එකෙන් බැහැල photo එක ගන්න තරම් හිතට ඇල්ලුවා.This photo was taken on August 5, 2011 inPadukka, Western, LK, using a Sony Ericsson C702.
Here’s a brief history of the Internet, including important dates, people, projects, sites, and other information that should give you at least a partial picture of what this thing we call the Internet really is, and where it came from.1969: ArpanetArpanet was the first real network to run on packet switching technology (new at the time). On the October 29, 1969, computers at ...