The old story Is that Sony has filed a restraining order early this year, against George Hotz A.K.A GeoHot as he has violated copyrights by jail breaking the Sony's play station 3 which allowed him to install custom software on it. Now an independent organisation called 'Anonymous' has threatened Sony by putting up a video on youtube stating their demands ...
Hello, This time I am writing about something happened to me couple of weeks ago. Ok I will start with the good news. I have been applying for internships few months now, but few weeks ago I have been invited for couple of internship interviews. One of them are from GE in UK. So I Went to the GE assessment ...
I do my pentests on a Windows XP sp3 box and I had this problem, that I could not get psexec to work as I kept getting this error message. [*] Started reverse handler on :4444 [*] Connecting to the server... [*] Authenticating to :445|WORKGRO[*] Started reverse handler on [*] Connecting to the server... [*] Authenticating to :445|WORKGROUP as ...
I just thought I would post this tune I made. This is a rock version of the song Lollipop by Lil wayne. I am not a musician but I just wanted to try this software called Fruity loop. Hopefully I will post more instrumentals in the future Hope you all enjoy it. Press Play>>>
This is instrumental track is one if my favourite tracks I have made. Sorry I haven’t named this one either. I’ll name it if you can come up with a good name. Enjoy
Scribble is a painting pad which enables you to draw really cool patterns on it. I made this peace of application as a part of the java assignment under the Java lecturer Professor Simon M. Lucas’s guidance. It’s been a great experience to make this application. It was a great experience to make Scribble. I was quite excited to ...
Game of life is devised John Conway is a British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. As a part of my last Java assignment I re designed and added more components to the game under the Java lecturer Professor Simon M. Lucas’s guidance. I was really excited to make this application just after seeing Simon’s example of the ...
'Tetris' is one of the most popular games of all time. For the last project of Application Programming module at the university, I got to develop this small Tetris game applet. As you can see its very basic and simple as I added more than requirements of the assignment, to the application itself. It would have had more functionalities but ...
Under the Computer Security module we did one last assignment at the end of the term, the assignment was to implement the substitute cypher and demonstrate how it can be broken by using Frequency Analysis. So I have written a code to encrypt some text using a key, which the user inputs to the application (Which the application assumes that ...
After a while I found some time to continue writing my blog. It has been a very busy few months for me as I have been working very hard for my assignments and tests at the University. Presumably I will have time to write more blog posts in the future. I will update you with what I have been dong ...
Google is testing new HTML5 embed code that plays the videos using either flash or HTML 5 player and it uses <iframe> tag. It is still under construction but developers want feed back form current users so the beta version of it is now available. It won’t play the video on HTML 5, if the ...
First of all I am not a big Cricket fan. Since I was young I hung around with cricket fans but for some reason they couldn’t get me in to cricket. But anyway I just thought I would write this blog about this amazing cricket player as he has done something quite impressive. Check this out ...
I have been using Google Chrome for years now. Chrome did not have much extensions/add-ons to start with. But Recently I have found really cool Google Chrome extensions. I just thought I would share my favourite Chrome extensions. with you They all can be found at Hope you will enjoy it. Google Mail Checker Plus – Notifies you when ...
The last semester was quite busy for me as it was all about revision, completing assignments and projects. In the start of the last semester we got told and received the revision time tables. Even though it looked like quite a tight schedule I wasn’t tired as much like how I was after lectures. Around the same ...
I have been looking for a good software and a service to store and back up my documents, pictures and songs. Then I did a lot of research about it and found two really cool softwares. Personally I like both of them and I use both of them. They are Dropbox (Download here) and Gladinet (Download here) &