Few things, 1. Drop copy is transparent 2. It is fixed to the desktop (F11 will not hide it) 3. It accepts drag and drop 4. Cool animation Making your window transparent You can make your window transparent by using a subclass of NSWindow and including the code below. - (id) initWithContentRect: (NSRect) contentRect styleMask: (unsigned int) aStyle backing: (NSBackingStoreType) ...
Question: My PC seems to be having problems installing hardware which uses a USB connection, it either fails to install the hardware or installs it within my device manager with a yellow question mark, when I right click and go to properties I get the message 'this device cannot start [code10]' or 'this device is not configured properly, [code1]' Even ...
The sample code below shows how you could customise a NSView to accept drag and drop of files. The code will give you the file path(s) of the dropped file(s). Steps 1. Create a subclass of NSView by using the code blow 2. Add a NSView using interface builder to your app window 3. Change the NSView's class to your ...
Recently I tried to stream TNL online and ended up listening to a loop. After digging into the problem I realized that the windows media player embedded in the website I used to stream is not supported in my mac (MacBook Pro, MAC OS X 10.6.4). I had Microsoft silverlite product, Fip4Mac installed too. I guess no online streaming in ...
This was something I picked up from the bag in which my breakfast came in. The poem took me back to my school days where some of us were very mischievous, thought I should give some credit to the author by publishing it in my blog. It's not my fault It isn't fair It's not my gum In Jenny's hair ...
A forum is a great place to promote your product. It can help you from creating awareness to developing a good brand image. The first step is to identify the correct forums. Sometimes the results will not be instant but I can assure that the bonds you create with your potential customers would be strong. Answering a question posted in ...
A facebook post can be your status update or the link that you shared or even a photo album. Unless you are super popular you must have noticed that some get the attention of many and some don't. There could be two reasons why you didn't get your friends' attention. The most straight forward reason would be that they were ...
Can you remember the last time you got annoyed, when one of your co-workers back stabbed you to get that promotion when that guy in the shop overcharged you when that bus conductor purposely escaped with your balance when that three wheel (taxi) driver overcharged you I’m sure your mind is taking you for a ride in your memories by ...
Past few days my PC gave me a hell of a time. Sometimes after the chkdisk finishes some of my files (windows and other software) are missing. Therefore I had to reinstall them and sometimes the whole OS itself. Later I noticed that on some boot ups my PS2 mouse also does not get detected. I switched to linux as ...
Actually this was an experience from my previous work place. I was in the marketing team back then and I was in charge of SEO and selling company’s products in Amazon. Above all marketers was her, our manager. She was a very busy person with a very tight schedule even though you’ll see her smoking around 5-6 times a day, ...
Some say Google consider Google analytics when indexing web pages and some says not. What ever you believe you can make use of what your customers actually search for to reach out for potential customers. You can do this is by optimizing your website's internal search for search engines. I want you to type the ...
It saves time Can get to know several view points of the same idea Google search is logical Let me take you back to the days you first heard about fire. You probably came to know that in olden days man made fire by rubbing two stones or sticks together. As the human evolved ...
Some replies are sweet Some are short Some leaves us hope Some disappointment Some join hearts Some splits them Hearts are not be broken But treasured From some we learn Experience that would be The broken pieces we collect Will be, the building blocks Of your future ...
I'm a great fan of Matt Cutts. Well I should be, since I belong to the SEO industry. Matt Cutts recently organized a SEO site review session. I saw the video and thought of summarizing the topics discussed for the benefit of the majority. I also have the video if you have an hour to spare. In this session Matt ...