You had a busy day full of meetings. You rush out of one meeting to rush into the airport. When you arrive at your hotel you are stressed. You are tired! You are hungry! You are looking forward to a hot shower a stiff drink and warm meal. An But if something extremely trivial is keeping you away from ...
Believe it or not I have not visited Heritance Kandalama ever! Even though it has been around for a long, long time. In the good old days I could not afford it. When I had the money it really did not interest me. Oh the food! Oh the view! Oh the environment! You have to see it to believe ...
The banking system has evolved over the years to the sophisticated industry it is today. Sadly one thing has not followed suit. What I am referring to is the common cheque. Just as a matter of interest the first printed cheque as we know it appeared in 1760. However the use of a piece of paper requesting a third ...
I am not a homophobic. Neither am I a gay basher. I even have good friends who are gay. And I am comfortable amongst gay people. Yet it was with a great sense of trepidation I entered the auditorium of the British School to watch the play “If you promise not to tell” billed as a performance of stories ...
Have you been reading a book and suddenly it hits you that the story line is quite similar to your life and you wonder if your life too could lead down the same path the story does? Well that’s exactly what happened to me when I was reading the book “How Starbucks saved my life”. It is a personal ...
Everything will be alright in the end. If it is not alright then trust me it is not the end” This was the end quote of a movie which had me mesmerized and made me think it deserved a post of its own. Very rarely do you find a movie which can make you laugh and cry and entertain you ...
“If I belong to another man, and you belong to another woman, why does it feel so right and perfect when we are together?” Sometimes there are no answers to life’s questions other than to hold that person close and say what will be will be. And then watch her walk away out of your life not knowing when you will see her ever again.
I may have been the candle who brought temporary light Whilst you waited for the darkeness To stray from your side I hope my warmth touched you and opened your eyes And lit an eternal flame Which would last the rest of your life. Remember the laughter But don't forget the tears Or the miles that we lay behind ...
As the coffin was being lowered into the ground at a Traffic Warden's funeral, a voice from inside screams "I'm not dead, I'm not dead. Let me out!" The Vicar smiles, leans forward sucking air through his teeth and mutters "Too fucking late pal, the paperwork's already done"
For most of us when you say camping it brings to mind images of roughing it out in the jungles digging holes to do your big jobs and lots of sweaty and unpleasant do it yourself kind of tasks. Which is far from the truth of what we experienced on this camping adventure. That’s why I prefer to call ...
To drive all the way to Galle to enjoy a cup of coffee and a sandwich would seem quite extreme to some. But trust me it is worth it if you are going to be doing so at the Peddlars Café down Peddlars street situated in the Galle Fort. I have done so especially when the company is right ...
I am a sucker for great design especially well laid out living spaces. And the Colombo Court Yard building has been fluttering its eye lashes at me enticingly every time I pass it. And I pass it virtually every day. The little glimpses of what I got whetted my appetite to step into it one of these days. But ...
"When you part from your friend, you grieve not; For that which you love most in him may be clearer in his absence, as the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain." Khalil Gibran I had a “oh fuck” moment as I read these words for the very first time. It was as if someone was imprinting ...
This is a story told by a Sri Lankan airlines cabin crew member to one of my close friends. It is too good not to be shared. Apparently thanks to the current regime in power the Sri Lankan airlines flight crew now have large amounts of young stewards and stewardesses from the Hambantota district joining the carders as juniors. ...
Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. Except for Love. Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last ...
Keynote speech delivered by journalist Namini Wijedasa at the Annual General Meeting of the Citizens Movement for Good Governance today, held in the auditorium of the Organisation of Professional Associations, Colombo. Members of the Citizens Movement for Good Governance and friends, This is an honour indeed. And yet, I am more than a little daunted at having to speak ...
Uncertainty - Isn’t that the only certainty in life? Did someone say that? Is it a quote? If not, it should be. During the past few weeks I came across two situations which made me think truer words have never been spoken. The first was about a father in Moratuwa who accidentally ran over his wife and daughter. He ...
Chocolate! Chocolate! Chocolate! Drinking chocolate to be precise! Finally my quest to find that perfect cup of drinking chocolate has come to an end. A quest which has been going on for a good 15 years I might add. I have tried all the usual haunts from Barista to the Hilton to the Gallery Café and none of them ...
Gosh! I just realized that I have not made a blog post on here since April. What a shame. My original intention was to make a post day but sometimes the best of intentions fall by the wayside in the face of adversity. Ok I am being over dramatic here. The adversity I am talking about is a mega ...
The sandwich was here as you can see it disappeared pretty fast. From the first moment I held it in my hands I knew it was something special. And when I chomped into it and savored that first bite I had an epiphany. I realized this sandwich was the most perfect one I had ever eaten. Yes! I finally ...