Pasta’ salad and sandwiches are fine but sometimes a man has to have something hot fiery and ricey which will sit in his stomach like a ball of lead. I am that kind of man who loves his food hot and spicy. Wait that is an understatement. Hot and Fiery is more like it. Now I know I have ...
Sometimes reading books on Kindle has its benefits. Especially now that there are books which are published exclusively for the Kindle app. Not only do you have thousands of options to choose from but they are also only a couple of dollars each. In this case I found this gem of a book by the author Sara Alexi for ...
Sadly the show I am talking about is not the kind where models strut up and down on the cat walk. Rather a kind where religious persecution and harassment will raise its ugly head. If you noticed the past few weeks the incidents of harassment by the Militanat Budhist groups against other religions have reduced. I actually thought the ...
Your absence Is a continuous presence in my life Like a deep cut which never heals Lying by my side silently in the night And accompanying me as I go through my day My silent companion alongside emptiness Like dark clouds across the sun But beautiful memories break through... Shining rays of brightness Of times and smiles we shared ...
I never thought that I would ever sit down and actually write an ENTIRE post about a prawn curry. But I have to. This post has been a couple of years in the making. Better late than never I say. So here goes. I have been a great fan of traditional rest house meals. Especially the traditional rest house ...
They say every dark cloud has a silver lining. But can a silver cloud have a silver lining? Or as the case maybe in this particular instance a golden cloud have a golden lining? It all started when I decided that I wanted to go and see Isla Grant and Al Grant in concert. The amazing fact is that ...
Loneliness creeps in Where once happiness reigned Sadness sets in As the seconds of the count down begins Tears replace smiles Anxiety... where joy abound As... New beginnings entice Precious memories remain... Forever engraved.
A bribe of 95% of the value of the order? I nearly fell off my chair when I heard it. For a moment I thought the person in front of me was playing a joke on me. Trying to take me for a ride. “What does he have to gain by lying to me?” I thought to myself when ...
He felt warm tears on his chest He looked down to see her shoulders moving gently as she shed her tears, her face hidden against his chest. “Why are you crying?” he asked her softly . “You got everything you wanted.” “You are moving to a beautiful country” “to a new career… to your husband” “You have been dreaming ...
I always thought being vulnerable was being open or susceptible to harm or injury. However I came across this lecture on TED by Brene Brown who is a researcher who studies human connection which gave a complete different view to the definition of Vulnerability. In fact she felt people who connected well with others believed that what made them ...
Actually the title of this post should have been “The well off scrounger”. Even though it is a good Oxymoron I somehow felt that it would give the plot away. My perception of a scrounger has always been of someone who is not so well off having to borrow stuff from other people. Stuff he has no intention of ...
I love books. Good old fashioned books. I love having them around me. And I love seeing all of my books lined up in the shelves. Believe it or not it gives me a sense of comfort. Sadly things have begun to change. It seems that I have been abandoning my trusty hard copies in favor of the more ...
Some people dream whilst others go about and make their dreams come true. Sadly I don’t belong to the latter but I am glad to have come across this story which really warms my heart. What makes me even more proud is that this is done by a Sri Lankan. Amazingly someone I came into contact with during my ...
1. Budweiser beer conditions the hair 2. Pam cooking spray will dry finger nail polish 3. Cool whip will condition your hair in 15 minutes 4. Mayonnaise will KILL LICE, it will also condition your hair 5. Elmer's Glue - paint on your face, allow it to dry, peel off and see the dead skin and blackheads if any. ...
Volcano - Tempura Prawns, Avocado, Tobiko and Crab StickSometimes Colombo can be a place full of culinary contradictions. For instance the best Chinese food I have eaten comes from an Indian Managed hotel chain. Of course I am referring to Golden Dragon by the Taj. And now I realized the best sushi I have eaten is at a sea ...
When everyone around me was shifting to android based phones and i-phones I held on to my black berry tight. Regardless of what was happening around me. Regardless of the taunts from people telling me how old fashioned and how out of date I was. The i-phone was nice but I did not want to be an i-clone. None ...
I am always on the lookout for a good burger joint. I mean I have had a few good burgers in my forays into the world of all things food but none of them have made me stand up on my chair and sing hosannas as to how good it is. At least till now. Finally I believe that ...
Her hands were clasped together tightly… her face was contorted her eyes closed tight One could have assumed she was crying But instead she was praying fervently That is when I saw her at church But just a few weeks ago I saw her in an office She was arrogant her nose was up in the air And she ...
They all knew that they will execute her in early December. By then all hopes of a settlement had disappeared. She was to be executed by the 23rd of December. Sadly she did not know it. In fact they had assured her everything will be ok. And that she would receive a pardon soon. But on that fateful day ...
From Thomas Cook Holidays listing some of their UK clientele’s genuine complaints. 1. "I think it should be explained in the brochure that the local store in Indian villages does not sell proper biscuits like custard creams or ginger nuts." 2. "It's lazy of the local shopkeepers to close in the afternoons. I often needed to buy things during ...