This is too good not to share... this is the link if the pic is not big enough to read.
I originally saw this as a shared video on facebook where it was billed as the Sinhalese version of “Hotel California”. First I thought it was quite funny. But then I started listening to the lyrics and realized there was nothing funny about the subject matter of this song. In fact it brought tears to my eyes. It was a ...
To be honest when I had the wine I did not have the book and when I had the book I did not have the wine. But I sure wish I had this book Adultery by Paulo Coelho when I was lounging on that balcony in the little farm house in Carinthia which I wrote about sometime back whilst sipping ...
I don’t know about you but my shoe laces come undone several times a day. This has become such an irritant that I always try to buy shoes which can be zipped up instead of being laced. Not only is it dangerous as you can trip and injure yourself but it is also frustrating. Especially when you are on a ...
It was a rainy Monday morning and I was feeling lazy. So lazy that I had canceled my morning workout and quite literally dragged my ass to work. I turned on my comp and did a quick scan of Face Book as my emails loaded and came across a post which was share by Robin Sharma.It was a rags to ...
I plucked a peach from a tree in the garden and bit into its fresh juicy succulence. It was the first time I have eaten a peach which was not from a tin. As the flavours tantalised my tongue I looked around and absorbed my surroundings. I am in a quaint farmhouse in Worthersee; an alpine Lake in Carinthia Austria. ...
The longer a TV series runs the more diluted (and stale) it becomes. Truer words could not have been said of the series 07 of Californication which I finished watching recently. Somehow it has lost its edge. It was like seeing your beautiful sexy aunt who always appeared in your naughty dreams after many years. All faded and wrinkled up. ...
"well if I don't know anything then I can always turn to google" this was the phrase which got me thinking. It was from a conversation I was having with my friend BP from the USA who had just given birth to a beautiful baby boy less than two weeks ago. We were talking about how tips and tricks of ...
The worst thing about being a dad is to see your darling daughter shed tears because of the hurt caused by another male. That is exactly what happened to me last night and I am still trying to come to grips with how I feel. All her life I have done my best to protect her. Doing my best ...
I have already witnessed at least a couple of posts about this place already. And I doubt you will find anything new and useful in this post but other than the fact that I am screaming out that “I AGREE!!!” with all the good things which people keep on saying about Ceylon Tea Moments at the Race Course. Firstly the ...
Recently I had the misfortune of taking a patient to see a neurosurgeon at a centrally located private hospital. Sadly I cannot mention the name due to personal reasons. However it is considered one of the most modern and leading hospitals in Sri Lanka. The appointment was at six. Since generally this doctor see patients on time we arrived at ...
Talk about food inventions. This is a delicious snack I found at “The Manchester” an English Pub attached at the hip to Agra the Indian restaurant down Independence Avenue. And I guess the only English pub in the world which serves chicken tikka and other Indian food as part of its menu. I was having a drink with HF when ...
Sometimes a plain piece of paper can set off a revolt. That is exactly what happened at the gym I have been frequenting for the past eight years. This piece of paper I am referring to took the form of a letter which was given to all the trainers who were working there. It said that effect from the following ...
You have to own a dog to truly appreciate how accurate these text from a dog are. I found these on the internet and HAD to post these on here so I could access them whenever I wanted to for a quick lift me up. I lift my hat up to whoever who had the creative wisdom to come up ...
Well this was a post which was dying due to procrastination.This event happened a long time ago and I never got down to writing anything about it just because I could not be bothered. Very soon it was way too late to write about it as it had lost its relevance. But I heard that Mount Lavinia Hotel was bringing ...
I was fascinated by these bold confident strokes when I saw them at the Gallery Cafe. Of course these were taken night months ago though I am only sharing them on here only now. Kudos to Prageeth Manohansa for this work.
They stepped into another lifeThe moment they got out of the plane..No prying eyes… no wagging tongues… no responsibilities….Even if it was just for a limited time..They were free…Free to walk hand in hand…Free to sit beside one another and enjoy a mealFree to laugh together …as only lovers wouldAnd before they knew itthey had to return.To realityTo responsibilityTo the ...
The way the Sinhala language keeps evolving is amazing. How one word that means the same can have two completely different meaning at street level is something which never ceases to surpirse me. For instance if you walk into a road side food kiosk and ask for tea they give you tea made with milk and sugar but if you ...
Scientists at Rolls Royce in UK, built a gun specifically to launch dead chickens at the windshields of airliners and military jets all travelling at maximum velocity.The idea was to simulate the frequent incidents of collisions with airborne fowl to test the strength of the windshields.American engineers heard about the gun and were eager to test it on the Windshields ...