This post is for the people who are looking for earn some extra cash online. Here you can sign up each site and you can earn by visiting each sites given advertisements. That means you have to watch the advertisements. Here are the sites that really paid for us. You can't be rich, but you can earn some extra money ...
Today i explained how to register and earn money form NeoBUX. First register in NeoBUX. Click on the below image to go to the registration form. Now fill the form.
Puppy Linux is one of light weight distribution of Linux. Live-CD of this Puppy Linux distribution is only 85MB.But it includes all GUI applications.Being so small, Puppy Linux usually loads completely into the RAM. This increase the speed. You can find more details about Puppy Linux by it's website : You can download you free ...
Here i found a good site that will gives us free referrals for our any BUX sites. This site support many new bux sites. NeoBux, Onbux, 888Bux, Adbux and soon. You have to do only just sign up and watch few advertisment of this site ( It's also like bux, but it'll gives you more credit than bux ). You ...
PTC programs are more popular today. But most of these bux sites really pays you ?. We can find many bux programs. But most of are SCAMS. So we have to identified good bux sites with our experiences. Here i list 3 bux sites which they really pay for us. And their payments method instance. Try this up, if you ...
Here i show you how to change the background of GRUB Boot splash. To do this you have follow some requirement. They are It must be sized at 640x480. It must be a .xpm format image file. It must contain no more than 14 colors. Now we start, Suppose that you got a image ...
People who use Linux distribution have to face one common problem. That is playing multimedia files in Linux. Most time MP3 and most video codec are not include in Linux distributions. So you have to download the all necessary codec and install them. The best codec pack for Linux i’ve got is the Gstreamer Codec Pack. This package includes most ...
Most of Linux user suffering from installing Windows application in Linux. By default Linux do not support .exe files. Some users are use the Wine emulator to install windows applications. But i found better GUI Linux application to install windows application in Linux OS. It is CrossOver Linux. This applications allow user to install most popular Windows ...
My earliest post i shows you how to earn some extra cash through a valid paying bux sites. Here i show you the payout made by the clicksia bux program to me. This Program pay you 100%, No doubt it. I received $ 6.39 within a month. Just try it. Click here to sign up this program.
Today i write here to show truth of BUX earning of myself. I have joined the site listed below and upto now i have earned $ 7.61. While i am do the click ads, i do the sign up offers provide that site. It'll increase my earning much faster. This sites gives $ 0.1 for sign ups and you can ...
If you are using Virtual Machine softwares like VMware Server, VMware Workstation, or VMware Player you have heard about VMware images. These VMware images are used to work with VMware Players and they are created with VMware Workstation. If you are unable to create a VMware image for you, you can find it from the internet. There are lot of ...
Do you use Linux before ?.Would you want to install and test Linux ?. But do you have fear to install Linux to your PC and that will corrupt your PC's existing partitions. Don't worry !. There is a best solution for it. That is using a Virtual Machine (VM). Virtual Machine software can install any supported operating system inside ...
Today most people like to earn some extra cash from home through the internet. Most of them are used PPC or PTR programs. But question is will they really made the payments. On the internet we can found 1000s of BUX sites. Most of them are SCAMS. They do not pay for you for your effort. I have registered most ...
Here i post 7 bux sites, which are paying for every one. After you may reached your minimum payout value of each sites you can request payouts for to your AlertPay or PayPal accounts. Sign up and start your earning today. Just try it for FREE Earn $1 per clickEarn $1 per ref clickMinimum Payout $ 200.00 ...
Here i give you another opportunity to earn some extra cash by participating to small survey. This program pay $ 6.00 for your sign up and pay $ 1.00 for review and participate their very little survey.You can payout you earning to your Alert Pay or PayPal accounts. If you interested sign up by following the link. Just see how ...
Here are the commands that you need to install binary(.bin) or Scripts(.sh) files For .bin files 01. Make sure that the file is set to "executable" . chmod +x file_name 02. Then run the file ./file_name For .sh files 01. Make sure that the file is set to "executable" do the step 01 above. 02.Then run the file either with ...
Here are the commands that you need to Use VI editor on Linux Open the terminal and issue, # vi Eg : # vi myfirstfile Insert Text in to the file Using i, a, o, and O The first way to switch to insert mode is to type the letter i, which, mnemonically enough,inserts text into the file. The other ...
Here we are going to write a little shell Program. First open the terminal and then issue following commands vi Now you are created a file called "firstscript" and going to enter shell programming syntax. Enter following simple script. #!/bin/bash //make this document a script file # Display text using a function function textdis { echo "Welcome to my ...
Sources files comes as ".tar.gz", "tar.bz2" and ".zip" files. So what we want to do is unzip these zip files. It is better to use "usr/local/src" directory to unzip them. For .tar.gz -> use : tar -zxvf < file_name_of_zip> For tar.bz2 -> use : tar -jxvf < file_name_of_zip> For .zip -> use : unzip < file_name_of_zip> Now go in to ...